Go-Go Boots!
I remember, in about third grade, eyeing with great envy the bright, white, glossy Go-Go boots that were sticking out from under so many of the dowdy, blue uniforms up at the communion rail. “Everyone has them but us!” my two sisters and I pleaded to our mom. But our mother had already purchased our snow boots for that season… some big, chunky, black ones…. so not groovy! (Hey, remember carrying our shoes in a little case with a zipper and a handle when we wore our snow boots?) But after all, we were living in Northern Indiana and “A kid might need an extra pair of boots,” we cried. “They are not very warm,” my mom countered. The persistent begging went on for weeks until Mom finally caved, went to the shoe store at The Village and bought 3 pairs of Go-Go boots. The very next day Sister Theodore outlawed them. I suspect she was concerned that we girls were starting to look a bit too much like Goldie Hawn on Laugh-In, dancing the Frug in her cage! “Sock it to me, baby!”