Play ground games
Hi to all and thanks for participating on the blog.
I have been hearing a lot about the games we played on the play ground, such as:
Buck Buck, and British Bull dog, oh what was the other one Joe Tassone???
That was a time when kids really had an imagination, I'm wondering if there were more??
Come on girls we had to play on the play ground too?
Red Rover.....boy my wrists used to hurt!
We, "The Soft Guys", used to play "Line Tag". Played just like regular tag, but you had to run only on the pained lines of the parking spaces and the cracks in the pavement. The big yellow arrows were place of rest.
If you stepped off the line, you were automatically it. Man, that game was a BLAST !!
I fondly remember playing "Red Light-Green Light", "Mother May I?", "Simon Says", "SPUD", and "Frozen Tag". I also recall that the losers of the games sometimes had to run through the sometimes brutal “Spanking Machine”! Ok…wasn’t that just a little bit…ummm….peculiar? Hah!
We had a great time playing Buck Buck. We discovered the game via the Bill Cosby comedy routine. It was played with teams. Paul Einikis and I had to be on seperate teams to hug the tree and support the weight of the group. One team lined up on a tree and the other sent a runner to leap frog onto the chain of people. The idea was to hold up as many people as possible. Paul and I being the largest or heaviest would pile on after the other boys and break the chain of people away from the tree. We would also do whatever we could to get the other team laughing which in turn limited their ability to hold the chain together. It was a blast! Hey Hey Hey!!!
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