Blessed Sacrament Reunion

Welcome...This blog site was created to provide a forum for Blessed Sacrament Alumni to reconnect and share memories. It's our hope that reliving the laughter and recalling the antics can bring us all back to a time when life was so much less complicated!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Memory Page

Please continue to send in your MEMORY PAGE we still have a little time to publish them.

The reservations are coming in faster then we can post them, this is going to be quite the party.

What do you think our Theme Song should be??
I think:

The Way we Were:

Memories, like the corners of my mind,
misty water color memories.. of the way we were...
Scattered pictures...
of the smiles we left behind...
Smiles we gave to one another..
For the way we were.

I know, pretty sappy, wouldn't you say?

Jogging your memories

Here are a few hints from your memory pages on the events that took place at BS.

A class room with 64 students, oh my!
Who was Santa Clause, he's a perfect fit with those twinkly eyes and that smile of his. Who got stuck in the box? class of 71
Cafeteria Food, yummmm!Were there any food fights?
Who got a grand slam home run in CYO Baseball, class of 72??
Science Fair, I did the eye, not so good.
Who was in the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, DC trip, do tell? Wow totally forgot about that.
Many comments about those romantic late night bus rides.....Hummmm!
Who was your boyfriend or girlfriend in grade school? I'm not telling!!!
Bugs in the pencil pouch class of 73?
Who were the members of the band in class of '70?
Someone had Christmas ornaments hung on them at the Christmas play class of 73?
Favorite after school TV show? Mine was DARK SHADOWS...ERIE!!!!
Who defaced the school building? Class of 71, do tell???

Who did we save our pennies for?

If you can elaborate on these memories I will let you go first in the lunch line.

Monday, April 28, 2008

John and Paul oh my!! 72

I just saw John and Paul together for the first time in like 20 years and I must say it was like walking back in time.
Such bullies were they, but they always had something to laugh about. And the capers that they managed to pull off were incredible.
And truly they had the softest hearts and still do today.
I was fortunate to know those guy in school and out and believe me they were always up to something.

When I was talking to them I saw that they will always treasure there moments with everyone at BS. They both look forward to seeing everyone on the 24th of May.

I think we all are.

Come on Pauly and Johnny tell us a story....

Friday, April 25, 2008

BS Baseball Team

My mom took this picture after practice...or maybe a game. Here's a stab at the players:
Back Row: Kissel, Kratkocski, Zagar, Kleminski, ?, Tassone?
Front Row: Bor, Bristow, Persley, Pratch, Sartoris
Not Pictured: Underwood, ?, ?,
Submitted by Tony Sartoris

My One Semester

First of all I'm not sure who to thank for putting the effort into "finding" me so to who ever it is, thank you. Secondly many of you may not remember me because I only went to BS my second semester of eighth grade and moved out of the area shortly after graduation. My memories were faint until a lot of the pictures of the later years started appearing on the reunion site. I thought I owed it to those who thought to hunt me down to contribute something although I regret that I can't attend the reunion.

Here is what I remember in no particular order. Everyone was nice to me being the new kid (for me that would be new kid again) and I remember feeling at home fairly quickly. I carpooled with my grandma's neighbors, the Bors, and John and I had known each other since we were little kids. His mom and my grandma were best of friends to the day my grandma died only two years ago. John if you are out there hello! Its been a very long time.

I remember the class trip at Indiana Beach...lots of fun. I do remember the dumb act! I told my kids about it and I think that was one of the first things you guys showed me on the way to lunch for the first time although by 8th grade it may not have been done very frequently anymore. I remember chess games at recess...I think Jerry was the Bobby Fisher of the class. I remember Frank bringing me up to speed in math in the library. Our family moved a lot so I had gaps in my learning at times. I remember the girls throwing a surprise birthday party for Sister Collette. Nice gesture but Sister was not happy. I remember going to church every morning...every single morning. That was new to me.

But most of all I remember the baseball team. Believe it or not I found a picture that my mom took of us near the end of the season. I have attached it to this blog. I know everyone is not pictured; I figured some kids just got picked up early. Sandlot! That is what it reminds me of. The movie Sandlot. Sandlot is a great movie and takes me back to our BS practices and games. Our uniforms were our junky clothes (as pictured) and we played teams that had the best uniforms. Unlike the guys in the movie though, I don't think we were that good. Help me here, I have no memories of winning. Mr. Zagar was the coach; what a nice guy. Mr. Z I read your blog and just laughed. I remember after practice one day we were all standing by your car waiting for our rides when a wasp flew right between all of us and landed on your car. (I think your car was green.) Anyway, one of the guys, maybe it was Keith Underwood, wacked it with his glove and you yelled "Keith!" in horror. Keith's almost exact words were, "sorry Mr. Zagar but I don't think I hurt your car". In perfect Zagar form, your horror was not in the possible damage to your car but rather in the needless death of a wasp who was as you said, and I quote, "possibly on his (you knew it was male) way home to feed his family." I can see in your short synopsis of your life that your values still hold true. With everything going on in the world today we really need more people like you. I respected you then and do today, as do wasp families everywhere.

My life in a nutshell, I graduated from Lockport High School, Lockport, Ill, graduated with a B.A. in Economics and Business from Eeurka College, Eureka, Ill. (College home of the late President Ronald Reagan), he campaigned at Eureka when I was there. I got my MBA at Lewis University. When my dad left Walgreen's after 25 years in 1978 he started his own chain of drugstores which my brothers and sisters and I still run today. I'm actually the president of the company (somebody wasn't thinking very clearly). I have been happily married to my wife Jacquie from Joliet, Ill for 22 years and have two great kids, David and Mary Grace. And get this, my son is a freshman at Indiana University and my daughter, a senior at Joliet Catholic Academy, will be a freshman at IU this fall. Hoosiers afterall!

Well thank you all for being a part of my life albeit a relatively small one. Honestly the reoccuring memories I have had forever are basically two things, the baseball team and the wasp. Baseball was just fun and as basic and unpretentious as you could get. And whenever my kids would needlessly attack and kill a wasp, just because it was a wasp, I remember you Mr Z. For the short time that we had been together you taught me, on a ball field, with a bunch of my friends, that every life no matter how seemingly insignificant, has significance to someone or something and deserves to be respected. Thank you Mr. Zagar and God bless everyone from the Blessed Sacramant Class of 1972. Have a great party.

Tony Sartoris
Coal City, IL

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Meet the "Psychedelics"

Picture courtesy of Bill Pratsch: "I can't believe I found this pic. This was our band, I think we called our selves the PSYCHEDELICS or something like that. That's John in the back, Craig on the left, me with the guitar in the face and Greg with the maracas. That was our first paying gig, all the cake and pop you wanted. For some reason I thought Keith was also in the band maybe he was taking a break back stage."

Okay folks... Enlarge the pic and GUESS who this is!!!

And I don't mean Queen Elizabeth! Look closely at the other gal.... any idea who it is?

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Classes 70,71,73 where are you???

Class of 72 seems to have taken over the blog, maybe we had just to much fun at BS.

So I'm wondering where is Mark Schwinn, Brian Czekala and Harry Rodriguez, Jeff Kopel and a few others that I know were always planning something for the day.
Cherly Markovich shared a great story about defacing the building.
I've heard stories about how you guys would scare the crap out of Laurintine and other capers.
Do tell class of 71.

Len cook told the brief story about protesting the color changing from blue to brown and came to school with different color ties.
I'm sure there is more.

And Class of 73 shared some of there basket ball events.

We only have a few more weeks to dig the stories out of that rust memory of ours, so lets keep sharing.

The latest caper from Class of 72, naughty boys!!

I have recently been informed that a few boys from our class brought PLAY BOY MAGAZINES to school.
I pretty much know who the stinkers were and I want a confession from all....
They would hide them in there folders and pull them out when the nuns weren't looking.
I am also told that someone got caught... hummm who would that be????

I just don't understand how you guys would bring those naughty magazines to our class when you had such beauties sitting right next to you. HA!
So insulted... HA!

Do Tell Boys...

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Blessed Sacrament Update

Hello to all,

Working on this reunion has encouraged me to get facts straight.
So I wanted to know what the Status for Blessed Sacrament Church is.

Father Telis is the Priest there and he told me yesterday April 21st, that the Light House organization (Charter School) has bought the school and church, but that the church can be used for 10 years rent free. Great News. I had heard it was going to close this summer.

I have been there quite a few times this past year and found the congregation has shrunk to about 100 and that might be stretching it.
I love going to church there because of the connection and the Parents of class mates that have stayed. They are so happy to see a younger face and always say to me to bring my friends.
I've noticed the last few times that there are a couple of younger families going now and I hope that they will stay and help the church grow.
I live in Chesterton so it is not alway easy to go but I go when I can.

When they had the 60th Anniversary they were so happy to see that so many didn't forget the church and school and I think they were hoping that many would come back.

Father Telis is a wonderful Priest with a booming voice and a joke from time to time. He reminds me of Father Lou.

So those of you that might like to join me at Blessed Sacrament on May 25th for Sunday Mass I know that you will be more then welcome. Mass is at 10:00am.


Sunday, April 20, 2008

Girls in Photo Booths......

Sharon Stinar and Eva Claypool

Chris Colle and Peggy Ernst

Saturday, April 19, 2008


The "permission to post" invitation that was sent to your email address evidently had a 30-day expiration. If you have not yet activated your email and posted on this blog, your open invitation unfortunately, automatically expired. In addition, a bigger problem is that this blog site has a 100 author maximum. With the addition of the classmates we have recently located, we have surpassed the limit. Since I am not able to re-invite the entire group, I'm asking that if you are a new contributor and would like to comment or post, just email me at and I will be happy to add you to the "permission to post" list.

Thanks so much to the existing authors for the continued entertainment you're providing and to the rest of you "lurkers" Come on...join the fun! :)

4/24/08 went ahead and added several names to post list. If you received an invitation from Google to join Blog, that was automatically generated from them because I resubmitted many names. Follow the steps listed in email and join in!

Accident Prone Class of 72

Recently I have heard some stories about accidents that happened in the class of 72.
Such as:
Danny Souris and the fish hook.
Florence Magallon cutting her finger off then her wrist and I think I heard her arm up to her elbow.
Many were very concerned about Florence then.

I was with Danny Souris and Paul Einikis this weekend and they shared these and many more stories with me.

I was wondering if there are any other stories. And Danny, Paul and Florence if you care to embellish on the stories please feel free to do so.

Mine was the Red Rover story, when I ran to the line I flipped over and knocked the wind out of me and almost and I say almost knocked my brains out.
I think that was the last of Red Rover for our class.

And if anyone else has a accident story to share, please do.

See you all soon,

Thursday, April 17, 2008

More Pics from the Class of 73

Terri S, Melinda N, Trina R, Frank T and Jaye

Courtesy of Jaye

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Memory Page

Hello to all,

If you are reading this (whether you are coming to the reunion or not) we would still like to know what you have been up to all of these years.
Please send the memory page we sent you in as soon as possible so we can have them ready for the reunion.


51/2 weeks left.....Yikes! Lot's to do!!!!!!!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Class of 72 - 2nd Grade

I don't think this was posted yet....

Science Fair March 25, 1969 Do You Remember What You Did?

Click on to enlarge

Beauty Secrets from Janet and Alice!

Girls gone wild at Janet's that Nancy T?

Courtesy of Janet72

Janet and Alice.....weren't you the two that went to go see Bozo and Alice got her arm stuck in the escalator.....seems to me she came back to school with tread marks up her arm!

Girls of 72...Did Janet and Nancy work at McD's?

Courtesy of Janet72

Check out the uniforms.....
Janet made Nancy a cake when she moved out of her house.

More of the Girls of 72 (and their sisters)

Courtesy of Janet72

The Muscle Boys of 73?

Courtesy of Jaye
Jim Settle, David Reba and Bill Marker

First Communion? Class of 73

Courtesy of Jaye

What are you giggling about Jaye? You always did have that smirk on your face...I remember it well!

Closing of the School

Courtesy of Jaye 73

Friday, April 11, 2008

gas explosions

My memories of the gas explosions are sketchy at best. I do remember going out for a fire drill that lasted FOREVER, the next thing I knew we were all going home. Most of the evacuations were on the Glen Park side. The school secretary, Mrs. Tomondi, suffered the loss of her home on 47th Ave. I think I was in 6th grade. For whatever reason I remember it was during the time the school was deciding about getting new uniforms!

The Infamous "Gas Explosions"

Okay me remember. What year was that?

What a frightening day that was. We were sent home from school but many of us were not allowed into our neighborhoods.

Does anyone remember some details?

We know you're out there.......

So.... you are all reading the blog but not participating?????

It certainly makes for good reading....
Plenty of entertainment.....
Many views on religion and the nuns......
The coolest teachers have responded.....
What about those photo's......WOW send some more in so we can recognize you on the big day.
So what is holding you back?????

Of course Class of 72 is awesome, thanks for getting those photos and all of the funny comments going.

I've been asked by many about how the reunion is coming along.

I have to say GRRRRREAT!!!!!!!!!!

The memory book is growing every day and the people count for those coming to the reunion is fantastic.
I can't believe how positive the response has been. Most say we should have done this years ago.

Some have asked if we could join other classes as well?

Well all I can say is that you can bring as many guests as you want to the reunion night on May 24th and anyone can come to the picnic on Sunday. And also don't forget the mixer on Friday night at Sheffeilds.

What is in store for the big event???

Well we have many surprises up our sleeves. hehehehehehe!!!!!
How could we not? With the three of us hosting it there has to be plenty of humor.

About the silent auction???

Well we got the idea when we went to see "Late Night Catechism " back in the fall. At the end of the show the nun was asking for donations to the nuns retirement. So we did some checking and found out that they really need some help. And that is where we got the idea.
So if you have anything you would like to auction off please send it our way, its going to a good cause.

If you have any other questions feel free to email the reunion committee and we will be happy to answer them.

On behalf of Chris, Brian and myself, we have worked very hard to make this the reunion you will talk about for a very long time.

Thanks for the memories,
Beth & the reunion committee

Thursday, April 10, 2008

First Communion

Courtesy of the Waltons
Debbie, who is the boy with you and Father Lou?
And...who is the Sister and girl? Gloria?

My Favorite Teacher.....Not

Courtesy of the Waltons

Paula Walton and Sister Theodore

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed here are those of the author (Debbie Williams)... and are not necessarily the opinions of all Blessed Sacraments former students.

Remember the Science Fairs?

Courtesy of the Waltons

Debbie, you and Fran look so bored! Is that Dr. Paula with an Ouija board?

Class of 73 Graduation Girls

Courtesy of the Waltons

Our Father Lou and the Church

Courtesy of Debbie Walton

8th Grade Graduation Day

Courtesy of Rose and Debbie Walton

May Crowning

Courtesy of Rose

More Cheerleaders....

Courtesy of Rose

More Pics from the 72 girls

This was a slumber party at Debbie Walton's new house in that time we thought she moved to another country because it took FOREVER to get there! Don't we all look like we were partying all booze involved! There is Sharon, Janet, Val , Chris, Rose, Fran, Alice, Kris K and me. I know there were more girls there. Debbie Walton gave me a cd with pics on it....I will have to post those. Debbie.....didn't we break that couch?


Peggy Ernst was in town and a few of us girls from Class of 72 got together.
Rose King, Debbie Walton, Debbie Williams, Chris Colle, Peggy Ernst and my self laughed until about 10:30 pm. The tears were streaming from laughing so hard.

We talked about our Crushes, the many stunts that were pulled and the friendships that will be spun for life.
We talked about our lives today and what getting older meant to all of us and laughed some more because aging just plain sucks.
Also about the face lifts, suck and tuck issues and I think the general thought was..... OUCH!!!!!!!
So as the Beatles would say LET IT BE.

We stepped right into conversation as if we've been in each others lives forever.

I said before the evening ended..... Can you imagine the laughter at the reunion?? Hahahahahaha some more.

We all looked around at Fridays, and noticed there was know one left there and started laughing again, thinking we were so loud we ran everyone out.

Thanks for a great evening girls
See you all soon.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Thinking about all of you.....

Hi, Classmates! I have to admit that at first I was skeptical of a grade school reunion. My life probably isn't any crazier than any of yours--I kept the whole idea in the back of my mind but doubted that I would act on it (attending the reunion). Now I'm feeling alot different about the idea. Almost every time I see a new name on the blog it evokes a memory. Eva Claypool--you were Laura Medved's cousin and I was at a slumber party at your house once. Garry Aloia--one year older, played basketball. I have run into you a handful of times since grade school and you always remembered me. Beth, oh, Beth. I don't have enough time to tell you all the memories I have of you. You were my neighbor in high school (I mostly remember you from high school) and we had some crazy times. Brian Czekala and Harry Rodriguez--I hear yous guys are helping out with the reunion. I've seen these two alot through the years--we were all close with Blanche and Mark. Peggy Ernst, you were my partner once in a procession at BS. I spent some time at your house back then. I have no idea whatever happened to Regina. Annette? Fritzi? Ellen? I rememer your whole family. I can rememer rehearsing for plays in your basement. But the person evoking the most memories so far is Debbie Williams. My grandparents babysat us summers and they lived next door to Debbie. I rememer so many things about Debbie and her family I can't believe it. I can't wait to see her again! Chris Colle, I rememer what you looked like back then, I think I could pick you out of a crowd. Looking forward to seeing you all again. Also looking forward to spending some time with my sister and brother at an event like this. Oh, I almost forgot--Mr. Zagar, Ted if you will, you gave us an assignment once where we had to write a letter about being a passenger on the Mayflower's passage. Probably one of the only A's I ever got!!! Take care! Cheryl Markovich

Monday, April 7, 2008

Hello, this is Mr. Zagar--Ted, if you will--reporting to the Main Office of the BS Reunion

You are my "first kids." I was new to teaching and as such my 2 years at BS were special. Especially in light of the fact that I never fathered biological children. But you were more like younger brothers and sisters to me, not kids. Our ages then and now are not greatly divided.I found the atmosphere of school too constricting to develop human to human relationships, so I actually quit teaching after those 2 years. However, in late September Bishop Noll phoned me and I was talked into a 3rd and final year of teaching. I probably would have stayed on but the economy was faltering after years of wasting billions in SE Asia (sound familiar today?) and Noll let the youngest 6 or so of us go at year's end.By this time I had become a vegan so I was unable to return to the mills, having given up leather, and thus leather hard-toed safety shoes.After a year of driving a taxi to stay alive, I was given a pair of rubber hard toed safety shoes and I re-entered LTV Steel in April of 1974.I worked there until my department was replaced by better technology. I scored high (2nd out of 260 people) to train for the new, high tech department, but again the leather issue grounded me at the end of the 6 weeks of training. I was given the choice of switching to leather shoes or facing an extended lay-off. I chose the latter and was out of work for 1 month short of 3 years. That afforded me the opportunity to return to college and earn two master degrees.The end of that rainbow has been Pierce Middle School in Merrillville, where I am in my 15th year as the librarian--media specialist as they call it.Oh, and yes, had I given up on my values and bought the shoes that demanded the slaughter of an animal, I would be out of work and 2 master degrees short, as LTV went belly up some half dozen or so years ago. I often see my old mill buddies on the street, out of work and out of hope.I am not a religious man, but I have to go with the adage that 'the Lord works in mysterious ways."Glad to be back in your lives, "kids!" And thank you for the kind words about our two years together.
Ted Zagar

I'm posting this for Mr. Zagar. He wrote me an email and said...
"Hard as I try, I cannot get beyond looking at the site. So here is what I wrote to the 3 students who made reference to me, a reply that went nowhere. Pass it on if you will. I much prefer sending group e-mailings to the willing anyway, as I can attach documents and photos."

Hoping we can resolve the technical problem, but until then...
his email is if any of you would like to contact him.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Mrs. Voller 1970

Courtesy of Florence M.