BSS Reunion
I can't believe this reunion is still entertaining me this much!!!
Welcome...This blog site was created to provide a forum for Blessed Sacrament Alumni to reconnect and share memories. It's our hope that reliving the laughter and recalling the antics can bring us all back to a time when life was so much less complicated!
Hello fellow BS Alumni.....
Chris, Beth & Reunion Commitee, it is taking me forever to get on here to thank you because I just can't think of enough words that describe my feelings. I am completely exhausted right now, physically and emotionally. Its pretty hard to party for 3 days in a row and not be tired at our age!!! Its also hard to reminisce for 3 days straight and not be emotionally drained. You guys thought of EVERYTHING!!! I can't imagine how tired you guys must be right now. I am walking away from the last three days happy that I'm alive and well and that pretty much everyone at this reunion also looked well. Thanks for a great time.
The banquet was just beyond words...I just looked at a rough slide show from the pictures taken by my nephew at the banquet and they truly capture the pure feeling of the night...there were so many happy faces, so many hugs.....I've never seen so many people together in one room who were so overjoyed to see one another...I can't wait until the CD is finished and everyone can see it!!
Chris and Beth asked me to help out with the Silent Auction that we will be having on Sat. night to raise money for the retired sisters. I had the pleasure of speaking with Sister Gabriel about the good work that the nuns continue to do. She sounded just as kind and sweet as I remember she was as our first grade teacher in 1964! I am sure many of you have fond memories of her, too. She assured me that the money we raise will contribute to the lovely and noble work that the Chicago Franciscan Sisters of Chicago and the Madonna Foundation are involved in, including caring for the retired nuns and also for the sick, the elderly, the young and the poor in the urban Chicago community. Of course, they can use financial help, so if you’d like to contribute and also be part of the fun and excitement of an auction, please bring your checkbook to the dinner Sat. night. (A check will be easier for both parties for tax purposes.) If you have something to donate, it is not too late to bring it Friday or Sat. The Franciscan Sisters of Chicago and The Madonna Foundation are considered "not-for-profit" (501.c.3) corporations in Illinois. Your contributions are tax deductible. All contributions will be acknowledged in writing for tax reporting purposes.
Hopefully I will get a chance to thank each and every one of the reunion organizers this week-end for all of their efforts. I never realized I had so many memories. I am really looking forward to this week-end. You guys ROCK!!!
Wow!! Can you believe this???
I have been told by Mark Kacmar that you drove those little demons around, but he can't remember for how long.
Mr. Vlasic was not able to create a new post on this blog so he asked that I post this for him.
Hi, Everyone! Well, I have been reading all the posts and none of the comments. On Mother's Day my sister Jaye read some of the comments out loud to my family. SOMEONE IS IN TROUBLE, MARK SCHWINN!!! Ronald McDonald didn't take it too well that my mom is a milf!!! What interesting reading those comments are!!! John Rydlewski--the Symanski-Davis pool parties that I went to were pretty G-rated. My suit was always on and I do remember correctly--so was Beth's. We did play a pretty racy game of spin-the-bottle once at Bobby Symanski's (racy for us then was a kiss lasting more than a few seconds!). Too bad we didn't know then what we know now!!! And Mr. Zagar, Ted if you will, some of your comments are so DEEP!!! I remember you as a serious and intense teacher--it sounds like you haven't changed. I'm really looking forward to this reunion. Blanche and Mark, I didn't even realize how much I've missed yous guys!!! How long has it been? Harry, Brian, Cindy Starkey, EVERYBODY--I can't wait to see you all!!!
If any of you have read the Memory Page I'm sure you were touched by Mr. Zagar's song list.
I remember a few things from my years at Blessed Sacrament. Please understand that my memory is limited these days to short lists. Most of them are fond memories, some of them not so great, but good or bad, they have a place in my heart.
Hi Mark,
Hello to All:
Remember our cafeteria and the lunch ladies? Remember the number one popular lunch served?? People stood in line for seconds and they ran out all the was homemade and sooooooooo good...Remember when we had to take turns at scrapping trays into that huge silver bowl??? Uck..what a job and a waste of food...remember the nuns walking around and pushing us to finish our food? I believe some of us hid less desirable food in our empty milk cartons...I know I did...don't tell on me now...:)
Remember when we as a class had to go to church and do devotions on the first Friday of the month...I want to pick Ted's brain about that one...I vaguely remember a devotion Friday where I can picture you standing up in front of the altar and possibly saying something slightly sac religious to us...I vaguely remember it could have concerned the Virgin Mary or something like that...I sort of remember I got goose bumps when you said I crazy or did something any where near that ever happen?? I just remember I loved that you were a little of a rebel and taught us some pretty cool things that opened our minds to the world around us...we needed to break out of that conservative Catholic box and you helped us do that in every little way...see how all of us remember what a wonderfully unique individual and teacher you were and are....:)
Your BS UNIFORM! (Of course, you still have the option of wearing the blue shirt or white shirt with matching socks!) Okay, okay, if you've misplaced it or worse yet, it doesn't fit anymore-- we'll make an exception...
One of many adventurous winter night spent running around with Paul, Perz and a few others. We decided as we did on most wintry nights in the region to throw a few snowballs at cars cruising by 45Th and Grant. Well as luck would have it on that particular night something happened we hadn't planned on. The cops were also cruising 45Th and Grant. We followed the same routine each night. Pack enough snowballs to quickly bombard the group of cars going through the light. We had a pretty good system of lookouts, bombardiers and escape routes. We usually got away without even running far enough to have to catch our breath. This particular night we were not paying close enough attention and some young guys we bombed the previous night came back prepared to stop and pursue quickly. And I mean quickly. We ran and they chased and we ran some more and they chased some more and all the while a second set of headlights pursued in unison with the young guys on foot and in the car. Well we had some close calls in the past and we really did have the advantage. I mean we had been doing this for years. We knew all the escape routes like the back of our hands. This was our hood, you know what I’m sayin! The one thing we had not taken into consideration was the they had the cops included in their plan. Well to make a long story short, Perz, Roger and Steve were able to out run them and get back to a safe place. After they focused the pursuit on me, Paul ran through the frozen swamp, he fell through a few times (remember he was a little husky back then) but eventually walked frozen, through the cat tails, ducked into a large sewer pipe and made it home safe. I however was not so lucky. I ran as fast and as far as I could (remember I was a little husky back then also) till I was just to tired to run any further. Lake County Sheriff coming from one direction and the young, fast smart guys from the other. I did however have just enough energy and focus of mind to come up with a story. Would you expect anything less. After all this is just a younger version of Slim Shady alias BS Johnny and I don’t mean Blessed Sacrament. I just slowed down and began to jog. When the cops pulled up and the young, fast smart guys had me cornered at the end of Melinda Nicksic's street I played dumb to the whole thing and told them with most sincere look I could muster between gasps for air, that I was out jogging. You know, the wrong place at the wrong time. A case of mistaken identity. They gobbled it up hook, line and sinker. Of course they decided to give me a ride home and see what my dad thought of my story. Just in case I was trying to pull a fast one. Lucky for me he was on 3 to 11’s that week. My Grandma never did tell my dad. I never even came close to getting caught again, for fear of what might happen if he was home the next time the cops brought me home from jogging. The moral of this story. And feel free to share this with your kids in case they should ever need some direction in matters of this kind. Don’t follow your husky buddy, follow one of the fast guys who lives in the neighborhood your throwing snowballs at cars in!!! Oh and always, always be prepared to look the cops or any one else in a position of authority straight in the eyes and lie!!! It really does work. I'm living proof of that.