Blessed Sacrament Reunion

Welcome...This blog site was created to provide a forum for Blessed Sacrament Alumni to reconnect and share memories. It's our hope that reliving the laughter and recalling the antics can bring us all back to a time when life was so much less complicated!

Saturday, May 31, 2008

BSS Reunion

I can't believe this reunion is still entertaining me this much!!!

Reunion Follow-Up

Hello fellow BS Alumni.....

For those of you that attended one or all of our reunion events this past weekend, you probably concur it was quite an incredible time! Thank goodness for digital technology that offered us the opportunity to capture those priceless moments. We'd like for you to share some of your best and telling photo images with the group.

So.... If you wouldn't mind, could you scan a few and either post on the Blog yourself or email them to and she'll post them for you?

We'd also like to incorporate some of your pictures into the KEEPSAKE MEMORIES CD we are preparing and will be sending as a gift to those who attended the reunion. (Contact us if you weren't at the reunion but would still like a CD)

Don't forget, we'll be contacting you later when Paula Walton's REUNION WEEKEND VIDEO is ready if you'd like to purchase it.

If you have not yet registered on our Blog then chances are your open invitation has expired, so please, just email me at so that I can resubmit your email address and you can then post and/or make comments. I apologize for the hassle but our only other option was to open it up to anonymous contributors and we decided that wouldn't be a viable solution.

Also...if you didn't get the chance to order your copy of the BS ALUMNI GROUP PHOTO taken by the Dennis Crane Photographers, Inc. at the reunion, here is his contact information:
phone: 219.769.2126
(8x10 print with inscription $20.00 includes shipping)

Okay..that's it folks....will be in touch later as needed...

Thanks again to all of you who helped make this such a memorable weekend!

BS Reunion Committee

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Post your favorite reunion Pics!

You gotta laugh! Let's keep them coming!

Thank you!

What a wonderful time! Isn't FUN a good thing to have? "Thank You!" to the reunion committee for all of your obviously hard work! Thanks, also, to all who donated, bid and bought items at the Silent Auction. It was a big success and we raised about $1400 to donate to Sister Gabriel for her to give to the poor, the sick, to children's funds and to the retired sisters in the Chicago area! How nice!

Mr. Zagar's Top Ten List

Mr. Z’s Top Ten Most Disappointing Moments at the BS Reunion

10. Mr. Z wasn’t the chick magnet that Jerry “Zed” Persley proved to be (see Jerry’s posted photo in the center of a mob of BS ladies!).

9. Mr. Z’s dull life precluded him having ANY reason whatsoever to go into the Confessional at the dance. Mr. Z’s sins would put any priest to sleep. In fact, at Mr. Z’s last confession, the priest felt so sorry and embarrassed for Mr. Z that HE began confessing HIS indiscretions to Mr. Z (I gave him a penance of 3,000 rosaries or buying ALL of the Moody Blues CD’s!!!).

8. Mr. Z’s Santa suit was ruined at the dry cleaners, so he had to show up as Jerry Garcia.

7. Mr. Z is still living in the Bunny Hop era while everyone else is doing the Electric Slide.

6. Mr. Z got skunked by Debbie “Miss Mulligan 2008” Williams on the croquet court. GO DEB SHADY, GO!!!

5. Mr. Z arrived too late to the dance to share an onstage karaoke moment with Slim Shady to the tune of “Born To Be Wild.” Get yer motor runnin’, head out on the highway!

4. Mr. Z was confused for 3 straight days trying to sort out which family member was who, with all the Waltons, Bryans, Dauros, Magallons, Markovich’s, etc. running around!

3. Mr. Z was DEFINITELY disappointed that he forgot the MAP to the PICNIC at home! Trying to get around Lake of the Four Seasons was a TRIP AND A HALF—I didn’t think anyone PURPOSELY designed towns that totally lack straight, level streets! On the upside, a carjacker would NEVER get out of that place before being handcuffed!

2. Mr. Z wished that the boa constrictor wrapped around his neck (see photo) at the picnic weighed 190 pounds more than it did (that’s how much GWB weighs—wink! wink!)

And finally, the MOST DISAPPOINTING moment for Mr. Z at the BS Reunion is the ONLY REAL DISAPPOINMENT, all kidding aside, and I say this from the heart:

1. Although we were together only two years, you were a huge part of my growing into an educator who wants to see life on Earth become a joy for all living things. In that context, I must say that my only disappointment through all of this was to hear of the passing of some of your classmates. Now I can only imagine them as I last saw them—young teens with youthful voices and fresh faces and radiant smiles. That is how I had to picture all of you until we finally stood together in the same room after all these years. I was able to replace my recollections of you, my “first kids,” with the reality that we are now who and what we are, and I must say that you have all aged with grace and beauty—and the smiles are just as radiant as ever! Love You All!!! I have WAYYYY more HAPPY memories of this great weekend that this list of playful “disappointments.”

Beth hanging with the boys and Sister Colette!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Words Can't Describe....

Monday, May 26, 2008


Chris, Beth & Reunion Commitee, it is taking me forever to get on here to thank you because I just can't think of enough words that describe my feelings. I am completely exhausted right now, physically and emotionally. Its pretty hard to party for 3 days in a row and not be tired at our age!!! Its also hard to reminisce for 3 days straight and not be emotionally drained. You guys thought of EVERYTHING!!! I can't imagine how tired you guys must be right now. I am walking away from the last three days happy that I'm alive and well and that pretty much everyone at this reunion also looked well. Thanks for a great time.



Words cannot express the delight we've experienced seeing this event come to fruition! All the planning...the phone calls..the late nights...the laughter...the mania...all so worth it... to see it all come together this weekend. Thanks to all of you who attended and made Beth and my dream a reality!
Three glorious days of otherwise long-lost friendships, revisited. The hugs..the excitement....the huge candidly caught on photos and video. We saw the footage and photos tonight...Beth and I (at the risk if sounding like emotional menopausal midgets) cried like babies...I mean wads of kleenex piled 6 inches high! Everyone must see what we saw tonight...albeit in it's rough version...when the final video becomes available you will cherish every second of it! The confessional scenes are priceless! Thank you Paula Walton and Michael Gatch (Gloria Walton's son) for taking the time and effort to capture and visually document this weekend for us. You will have provided all of us with delightful memories that would have otherwise faded if not for the CD and DVD that you both are working on!
Thanks so much to all those who helped us make this a reality. Debbie Williams for all your work on the name tags, blog photos and power point presentation at the reunion and her daughter Rachel and her friend for manning our registration table. Mark Kacmar for his computer skills and panic control. Jaye Markovich and Joe Tassone for your incredible detective work. Debbie Walton for your creative and touching poems, Kathy Bryan for your beautiful floral table arrangements, Peggy Ernst for running our Silent Auction, Garry Aloia for your business savvy and keeping us legal. We appreciate Eva Claypool and all her support....the help of Cheri Tonetski and Paul Einikis and all those who donated to the auction. Thanks to "The Band" for taking us back to 1970 and last but not least, Brian Czekala for standing by us and being available when ever we needed you! those that joined us this weekend our thanks to you...for the others who weren't with us....(in the words of Sr. Eymard ) "You missed da boat"! Hoping we have the opportunity to do this again in a few years! What do you say???
Beth and Chris

More Polaroids from a box in my parent's house

Found more Polaroids....My color scanner was not cooperating so I used B/W....When I upgrade scanners I'll repost in color...

What a fun reunion we had!
Thank you to everyone who made this possible, and everyone who shared...So well thought out and executed...very professional and a what a blast...

I wish I was this popular back at BS !!


The banquet was just beyond words...I just looked at a rough slide show from the pictures taken by my nephew at the banquet and they truly capture the pure feeling of the night...there were so many happy faces, so many hugs.....I've never seen so many people together in one room who were so overjoyed to see one another...I can't wait until the CD is finished and everyone can see it!!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Silent Auction Info:

Chris and Beth asked me to help out with the Silent Auction that we will be having on Sat. night to raise money for the retired sisters. I had the pleasure of speaking with Sister Gabriel about the good work that the nuns continue to do. She sounded just as kind and sweet as I remember she was as our first grade teacher in 1964! I am sure many of you have fond memories of her, too. She assured me that the money we raise will contribute to the lovely and noble work that the Chicago Franciscan Sisters of Chicago and the Madonna Foundation are involved in, including caring for the retired nuns and also for the sick, the elderly, the young and the poor in the urban Chicago community. Of course, they can use financial help, so if you’d like to contribute and also be part of the fun and excitement of an auction, please bring your checkbook to the dinner Sat. night. (A check will be easier for both parties for tax purposes.) If you have something to donate, it is not too late to bring it Friday or Sat. The Franciscan Sisters of Chicago and The Madonna Foundation are considered "not-for-profit" (501.c.3) corporations in Illinois. Your contributions are tax deductible. All contributions will be acknowledged in writing for tax reporting purposes.
If you’d like to learn more about the Franciscan Sisters of Chicago and their charitable works, see their web site at:
Franciscan Sisters of Chicago:

The Madonna Foundation:

Sister Gabriel said she'd love to receive a note and photos from any of us!
Her address is:

Sister Gabriel Lazarski
Madonna Convent
3115 North Karlov Ave.
Chicago IL 60641

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Many Thanks

Hopefully I will get a chance to thank each and every one of the reunion organizers this week-end for all of their efforts. I never realized I had so many memories. I am really looking forward to this week-end. You guys ROCK!!!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Girls Just Want To Have FUN

Eva's Slumber Party

Courtesy of Eva Claypool

100 Friends are coming, WOW!!!

Wow!! Can you believe this???
This has been like a slow walk up a mountain but we are reaching the top.

The many strings are now coming together and it looks like all of our plans will make this a very memorable night.

Don't for get your camera's, and pictures that you didn't get to put on the blog.
Be ready to laugh a lot and maybe some tears and remember to bring your hearts of true friendship.

See you soon.

Cheryl, Did you Drive a school bus???

I have been told by Mark Kacmar that you drove those little demons around, but he can't remember for how long.
Do tell!!!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Wow....Look at the Hair!

Jerry P, Lenny S. and a guy named Dennis

We Have a Pic of Beth!!!!!

1971 at Rose's House

Friday, May 16, 2008

What a Blog!!!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

From Mr. Vlasic

Mr. Vlasic was not able to create a new post on this blog so he asked that I post this for him.

Hello to all of you out there in the ethereal embrace of the internet. Could any of us in those years decades ago have envisioned the possibility of bringing many of us together in such a way? I doubt seriously the possibility of that, and yet, here we are reminising and laughing together about times which were an important part in making all of us--myself included--the people we are to-day.

All this has certainly caused me to make strong reflections on this past time, and I have realised more than ever how important those years were to me as well. I taught at Blessed Sacrament from 1962 until 1970. starting with Grade V and later moving to Grade VI and exchanging some subjects with Grades VII and VIII which was our early attempt at departmentalisation. That particular transition placed me as a teacher for four years with one group, and I can remember fondly how so many of us cried on that last day when separation occurred, sending this group onward to high school.

My own career moved me to Portage Township Schools, first to Paul Saylor school in South Haven where I had a Grade V class and then on to Aylesworth Middle School where I taught various subjects in Grades VII, VIII, and IX. I was able to establish the same loving relationships with students in Portage as I had in Gary.

In the 1980s things began to change. My school closed. Schools got larger and more impersonal. Outside activities like field trips and travel (which I had used extensively) became difficult, if not impossible. Personal relationships with students--which had always been my trademark of operation (I guess I took "in loco parentis" more literally)--became less acceptable.

My health had deterioriated in the early 1980s and I was allowed an early retirement. I moved to Naples, Florida (I always had difficulty with cold) where I remained until permanently moving to Puerto Rico about four years ago. I had purchased and established a tropical fruit/coffee farm here, so I simply loaded up everything on a ship, sold out in Florida, and rebuilt here. Of course, through the years, I continued my world travel which the summer holidays of teaching allowed me to explore. The Lord has blessed me immensely, and I do have several residences here from the city of San Juan to the Caribbean to the mountain farm.

I came to Puerto Rico because in my world travels I considered it one of the most beautiful and diverse places, but also because of the disillusionment I had with political and economic developments in the United States which, I felt, were leading it to a ruinous future. Perhaps in a paradise outpost this questionable future would be slower to reach and I could feel less guilty as a citizen participant (we are disfranchised here).

Recently, I suspended most of my travel mostly because of my obligations here at home in PR, but also because the world is not so welcoming a place anymore for people from the United States. Your reunion has given me a strong motivation to end this isolation to greet those of you who have been so dear to me from a long time ago, but, knowing myself, I decided this time in my life is best spent at home. It is not without regret, however, that I made this decision, so I hope you will accomodate me by forgiving me my absence in person. I am,as always, with you in spirit and fond memory, and welcome your emails and communications which, I assure you, will be well received and answered. Either email address can be used: or

I intend to keep close communication with the blog for as long as it exists and close communication with those of you with whom I have reestablished friendships. I have sent some photos to Chris Colle, and I am sure she will share them with all of you. Right now, I have plenty of room, so I welcome any of you to visit here in Puerto Rico should destiny bring you to this island.

If I may be allowed a digression to the past, most of you will remember me saying at the end of our school day the prayer:

"May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God the Father, and the fellowship of the Holy Ghost be and abide with you now and for all time."

I could not mean this more sincerely now. God Bless all of you, and may your lives be further enriched by this great reunion which you will enjoy together!

Sincerely, "Loves",

Richard Allen Vlasic

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Hi, Everyone! Well, I have been reading all the posts and none of the comments. On Mother's Day my sister Jaye read some of the comments out loud to my family. SOMEONE IS IN TROUBLE, MARK SCHWINN!!! Ronald McDonald didn't take it too well that my mom is a milf!!! What interesting reading those comments are!!! John Rydlewski--the Symanski-Davis pool parties that I went to were pretty G-rated. My suit was always on and I do remember correctly--so was Beth's. We did play a pretty racy game of spin-the-bottle once at Bobby Symanski's (racy for us then was a kiss lasting more than a few seconds!). Too bad we didn't know then what we know now!!! And Mr. Zagar, Ted if you will, some of your comments are so DEEP!!! I remember you as a serious and intense teacher--it sounds like you haven't changed. I'm really looking forward to this reunion. Blanche and Mark, I didn't even realize how much I've missed yous guys!!! How long has it been? Harry, Brian, Cindy Starkey, EVERYBODY--I can't wait to see you all!!!

Request songs for Reunion

If any of you have read the Memory Page I'm sure you were touched by Mr. Zagar's song list.
Here are a few that were listed by others as well as Mr. Zagar.
The Way we were; Barbara Streisand
Schools Out; Alice Cooper
Highway to hell; AC/DC
Take a chance on me; ABBA
Watching the Wheels; John Lennon
Ever Green Streisand
What a Wonderful Life; Louis Armstrong
Stand By Me; Ben E.
United we Stand Brotherhood Man

And my favorite;
Someone to Watch Over Me; Mr. Holland Opus, Great movie by the way.

If you would like to add to the list please feel free to do so.
You can request anything to the DJ at the Reunion which is only 2 weeks away.

Got to get busy, YIKES!!!!
See you soon, How exciting is this!!!

Friday, May 9, 2008

"I Remember" by Eva Claypool

I remember a few things from my years at Blessed Sacrament. Please understand that my memory is limited these days to short lists. Most of them are fond memories, some of them not so great, but good or bad, they have a place in my heart.
Does anyone remember the Nuns rewarding our good works by allowing us to play Bingo during class hours one year? I think it was in the 3rd grade. This stands out in my mind, not so much because of the rarity of the event, but because I won the Grand Prize. It was a "beeeautiful" ceramic statue of St Joseph. I know it was beeeautiful statue because all the Nuns gathered around me when I opened the box and ooooohed and aaaaahed. I had that statue for a long time and always cherished it.
I also remember our class sustaining allot of injuries. Many of which were mine. One particular incident for me, was on the playground. (who's idea was it to have a playground on a concrete parking lot?) I was playing Double Dutch and slid on the heels of my brand new Penny Loafers. I took quite a spill and hit my head really hard on the asphalt. When I regained consciousness, I stood up and everything was spinning around. Miss Crane ran to me to keep me from falling again, she had on that velvet poncho she always wore, that I thought was so cool. She took me into the nurses room and as I went to lay down on the cot, Sister
Theodore came in and insisted I walk around. I thought she was so mean because all I wanted to do was lay down. I later learned that she thought I had a concussion and was afraid I would not wake up. Sorry Sister for all the bad things I wished on you that day.
On a lighter note, I don't know what the guys had to watch and discuss on the day we had our so called "sex education" lesson but the girls lesson was a bit one sided. I personally came away thinking that a boy was not involved in procreation at all. A even bigger lesson was that you should never send a question to a nurse on a piece of paper that can be traced back to you. Especially if you start that letter with "this summer I started my period" blah blah blah blah.
You see, if you become "a woman" in the 4th grade, you might as well wear a scarlet letter on your chest. In my case that would have really stuck out, even then. Oh the woes of puberty!
Thus the reason I left in the 5th grade. Just kidding!!! I went to Lake Jr High School because it was just down the street from me and my parents were under the delusion that I no longer needed the sheltered world of Blessed Sacrament. They later reversed that decision by sending me to Andrean High School for my Junior and Senior years.
But I regress....It seems to me now, that although we were taught 7 days a week, things like materialism was a bad thing, we had a preoccupation with material things. Such as;
clothes-especially on Sunday!
45 records
long stocking caps-the more colorful the better. (you always new when a boy liked you, cause he would rip it right off your head.)
patten leather shoes (later to be replaced by saddle shoes or penny loafers)
glow balls ( again I want to apologize to Valerie for breaking hers by resting it on the top of my lap shade so it would absorb the light better and it exploded the bulb, thereby putting a whole in the ball and all the glow liquid ran out and ruined it.)
mood rings
flower power anything
I.D. bracelets
doilies or veils for church
These are just a few ways we expressed our individuality in a sea of blue jumpers and plaid skirts.
What a small world we lived in. As I look back at all the turmoil we watched on the 5 o'clock news every evening, with the war and protests going on, it was a real haven. So all in all, with the good and the bad, our world was quite a little haven for us to grow up in.
And that is how I remember Blessed Sacrament.

See you at the reunion,

Eva Claypool

Look out!!!! Mark Schwinn is here....

Hi Mark,
I thought I'd give you the proper announcement.....
I know all should be aware of the CAPERS that you and your side kicks, pulled at BS.

The last time I saw you was when you and Brian came to my house on 1 bike (funny sight) and Brian came for his ID bracelet. boo hoo!!!!

Afterwards my dad wanted to go run you both down for being such jerks and for making his little girl cry.
If you remember he was a cop, he said to me and I quote " I'll put an APB OUT AND HAVE THEM ARRESTED FOR RECKLESS DRIVING."
That made me laugh and I was over it.... On to the next boy...

Welcome aboard have fun with this but remember there are others out there that remember and it can come back and bite you in the ass.

So glad you and Blanche are coming I know that it is INDY weekend and Harry is on the fence about coming but keep working on him. My memory is with you Harry and Brian, it just wouldn't be the same.
See you soon.



Hello to All:

Debra Childers Maiden name DeLong

You wanted to see pictures of our newer uniforms and Sister Laurentine where here you go!
Debby Wayman you should know that I really had to look to get these out of archives. Jan Argenta and I were partners in the Science Fair at one time. Blanche, Anne Doyle, April Heltsley, Patty Torchia, Joyce, Mary Monti just a few I found. I just know if you look closely you can tell what some of us thought of our play time! Volleyball, kickball and grabbing the communion wine were all a part of good Ole BS. Look at some of our signatures from when the report cards would come out in those manila envelopes. What about dodge ball where we wanted to really hurt each other throwing that ball! Then when you think about it I was nearly convinced to become a nun from Sister Deloria in 5th grade. I met my very first friend Zita Savitski in first grade on the very first day! Do you all remember where you were when you heard the news about President John F. Kennedy being shot? I do I was sitting in my first grade class with Sister Theodore as our teacher and the announcement came over the load speaker. You could have heard a pin drop! Then crying and we really did not know why! Then I met Mary Monti that year too! Remember the finger math creature in second grade.
Mr. Vlasic I could never forget you… how could I!! I wrote 1000 times the Bible verse Ephesians 2: 8-9 (look it up) because I shared my paper with a friend (who will remain nameless) and I got the holey paddle for that one! Bend over and touch your toes!!! How humbling, NOT!!!!!
Mr. Zagar was a great teacher. He taught me to express myself with writing what I truly thought and felt. That was a time in my life where writing really did the trick. I continue to do so till this day.
I have been married going on 32 years now to my High School sweetheart, Dale Childers. We have two beautiful children: Our daughter Heidi nearly 28 yrs old now and our son Caleb who just turned 14 and is going to be in 9th grade next year. I work for American Airlines and have for 10 years now. My interests aside from family and friends have been Scouting, boy and girl, scrap booking and writing.
My most memorable moment in travels I have to tell you.
Do you all remember the New York Black Out? We do? Our very first vacation to the Big Apple, New York and of all things we got caught in the Black out in the subway under the East River for 2 hours. Our son Caleb prior to the halt of the train said, “Why are the lights doing that? (Flickering on and off). People around us just told him that it’s normal. Train then halts, for 2 hours with no air and nothing to drink and sweating people everywhere. We had to walk to the front of the train from car to car and then climb down off the engine and then walk through the suit filled tunnel, climb up a lot of stairs to the street above. We found other tourists in disbelief as well! We spent the day walking and walking and walking trying to find our way back to our hotel. People were price gauging all the way, $5.00 for a bottle of 8 oz water. We have not been back since but are willing to give it another try someday.
My life has been traveling from Indiana to Georgia, Alabama, my husband joined the Army, off to Germany for 4 years, then Oklahoma, Dale doing 2-1 year tours in Korea without his family, to Texas and we have lived here ever since.
Something you may not remember me doing is being a part of the Talent Show dressed up as Louis Armstrong, in black face paint, white gloves and lips, black suit and singing “Hello Dolly!” If any of you remember that was not the best thing to do in an all white school. WOW, I did not win a prize! I hope that April Heltsley is around and remembers the verse we wrote together. Peter Reba my square dance partner.
I can go on forever! See what good memories this has brought upon us all.

Thanks for getting this off the ground and see you all soon.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

More BS Memorable information and pictures






Hello to All:

You wanted to see pictures of our newer uniforms and Sister Laurentine you go!
Debby Wayman you should know that I really had to look to get these out of archives. Jan Argenta and I were partners in the Science Fair at one time. Blanche, Anne Doyle, April Heltsley, Patty Torchia, Joyce, Mary Monti just a few I found. I just know if you look closely you can tell what some of us thought of our play time! Volleyball, kickball and grabbing the communion wine were all a part of good Ole BS. Look at some of our signatures from when the report cards would come out in those manila envelopes. What about dodge ball where we wanted to really hurt each other throwing that ball! Then when you think about it I was nearly convinced to become a nun from Sister Deloria in 5th grade. I met my very first friend Zita Savitski in first grade on the very first day! Do you all remember where you were when you heard the news about President John F. Kennedy being shot? I do I was sitting in my first grade class with Sister Theodore as our teacher and the announcement came over the load speaker. You could have heard a pin drop! Then crying and we really did not know why! Then I met Mary Monti that year too! Remember the finger math creature in second grade.
Mr. Vlasic I could never forget you… how could I!! I wrote 1000 times the Bible verse Ephesians 2: 8-9 (look it up) because I shared my paper with a friend (who will remain nameless) and I got the holey paddle for that one! Bend over and touch your toes!!! How humbling, NOT!!!!!
Mr. Zagar was a great teacher. He taught me to express myself with writing what I truly thought and felt. That was a time in my life where writing really did the trick. I continue to do so till this day.

Something you may not remember me doing is being a part of the Talent Show dressed up as Louis Armstrong, in black face paint, white gloves and lips, black suit and singing “Hello Dolly!” If any of you remember that was not the best thing to do in an all white school. WOW, I did not win a prize! I hope that April Heltsley is around and remembers the verse we wrote together. Peter Reba my square dance partner.
I can go on forever! See what good memories this has brought upon us all.

Thanks for getting this off the ground and see you all soon.

Debra DeLong Childers


Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Remember the Lunch Ladies....

Remember our cafeteria and the lunch ladies? Remember the number one popular lunch served?? People stood in line for seconds and they ran out all the was homemade and sooooooooo good...Remember when we had to take turns at scrapping trays into that huge silver bowl??? Uck..what a job and a waste of food...remember the nuns walking around and pushing us to finish our food? I believe some of us hid less desirable food in our empty milk cartons...I know I did...don't tell on me now...:)

More Girls of 72

It must be May Crowning!

Nancy, Sister Colette, Tina

Rose, Nancy, Mr. Zagar, and Tina

Courtesy of Nancy T.

First Friday Devotions

Remember when we as a class had to go to church and do devotions on the first Friday of the month...I want to pick Ted's brain about that one...I vaguely remember a devotion Friday where I can picture you standing up in front of the altar and possibly saying something slightly sac religious to us...I vaguely remember it could have concerned the Virgin Mary or something like that...I sort of remember I got goose bumps when you said I crazy or did something any where near that ever happen?? I just remember I loved that you were a little of a rebel and taught us some pretty cool things that opened our minds to the world around us...we needed to break out of that conservative Catholic box and you helped us do that in every little way...see how all of us remember what a wonderfully unique individual and teacher you were and are....:)

Saturday, May 3, 2008

What! No uniforms at the Reunion?

Hey, does anyone have a photo of our other uniform? You know, the very "modern", updated style that we got in the later years! I'd sure love to see it.

Friday, May 2, 2008


Your BS UNIFORM! (Of course, you still have the option of wearing the blue shirt or white shirt with matching socks!) Okay, okay, if you've misplaced it or worse yet, it doesn't fit anymore-- we'll make an exception...

Not that the men care too much...but we women need to know these things well in advance!

We've had several emails requesting info regarding the attire for the reunion.

The reunion setting (the Halls of Justice) is actually quite a beautiful room...they refer to it as a ballroom. So...we thought "Dressy Casual" (something one would wear as a guest to a wedding), would be appropriate.

Plan on arriving between 5:30-6pm to sign in etc...
6pm to 7pm Cocktail Hour and Hors d'oeuvres.
7pm Dinner
8pm Group Photo

More info to follow concerning Mixer at Sheffields Restaurant Friday night 5/23 and Pot Luck Picnic at LOFS on Sunday 5/25.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Okay all you "Last Minute Nellies"!


"Procrastination is a type of behavior which is characterized by deferment of actions or tasks to a later time. Psychologists often cite procrastination as a mechanism for coping with the anxiety associated with starting or completing any task or decision."
In other words (in the vernacular of our very own Mr. Zagar), what we're really saying is that "Your Planets are in the Rears"
Speaking of...Where's YOUR reservation, Ted????


We knew this was going to happen. With that in mind...


There's STILL TIME to turn in your reunion Reservation and Memory Book Page.

Here is the list of those attending the reunion. We still have additional names to add....

Stay tuned.....

Paula Walton-Kentucky
Brian Czekala-Crown Point
Dave Wasil-Tennesse
Cheryl Markovich-Schererville
Jaye Markovich-Hobart
Jeff Markovich-
Beth Settle-Chesterton
Melynda Nicksic-Schererville
Margaret Schwinn-Chicago
John Rydlewski-Colorado
Garry Aloia-Crown Point
Diana Barrera-Indianapolis
Elaine Tonetski-Highland
Patty Ferkul-Texas
Peggy Ernst-Michigan
Terry Schirelli-Munster
Cheri Tonetski-Cedar Lake
Florence Magallon-Texas
Leonard Cooke-St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands
Joe McDonald-Hobart
Paul Euvino-Crawfordsville
Rhonda Cooke-Valparaiso
Jerry Persley-Illinois
Craig Bristow-Hobart
Viktoria Voller-Valparaiso
Debbie Walton-Valparaiso
Janet Ewen-California
Pam Kratkoczki-Michigan
Mark Kacmar-Chesterton
Jeff Ewen
Barb Badylak-Florida
Judy Higgins-Illinois
Chris Colle-Valparaiso
Eva Claypool-Valparaiso
Erica Bristow-Hobart
Debbie Williams-Chesterton
Steve Kratkoczki- Hobart
Bob Kacmar-Noblesville
Rosemarie Kacmar-Crown Point
Robin Kacmar-Crown Point
Peggy White-Oak Park, Illinois
Lynn Kenny-Indianapolis
Blanche Widelski-Ohio
Joe Tassone-Demotte
Mark Schwinn-Ohio
Toni Dauro-California
Bill Marker-Clinton, NJ
Vikki Geras-Crown Point
Tom Stinar-Crown Point
Paul Bernard-Hebron
Linda Burkhart-Indianapolis
Debra Magallon-Schererville
Bob Vahary-Fishers
MaryEllen Magallon-California
Paul Balunda-Griffith
Alice White-Oak Park, IL
Gloria Walton-Valparaiso
Brenda Settle-Gary
Mimi Tomondi-Valparaiso
Donna Widelski-Hobart
Jim Rydlewski-Valparaiso
Mike Aloia-Crown Point
Ellen White-McCordsville, IN
Rhonda Winandy-Shelby, IN
Cindy Starkey-Hobart
Kathy Kissel-Hobart
Debra Delong-Texas
Paul Einikis-Crown Point
Kathy Bryan-Hobart
Diane Itin-Ft. Wayne
Laurene Cuprinski-
Greg Gomolka-Valparaiso
Debbie Sarkey-Hebron
Laurie Chouirnard-Indianapolis
Nancy Gomolka-Naperville
Sharon Stinar
Nancy Trajkovich
Dave Reba

Snowballs, Cars and Cops

One of many adventurous winter night spent running around with Paul, Perz and a few others. We decided as we did on most wintry nights in the region to throw a few snowballs at cars cruising by 45Th and Grant. Well as luck would have it on that particular night something happened we hadn't planned on. The cops were also cruising 45Th and Grant. We followed the same routine each night. Pack enough snowballs to quickly bombard the group of cars going through the light. We had a pretty good system of lookouts, bombardiers and escape routes. We usually got away without even running far enough to have to catch our breath. This particular night we were not paying close enough attention and some young guys we bombed the previous night came back prepared to stop and pursue quickly. And I mean quickly. We ran and they chased and we ran some more and they chased some more and all the while a second set of headlights pursued in unison with the young guys on foot and in the car. Well we had some close calls in the past and we really did have the advantage. I mean we had been doing this for years. We knew all the escape routes like the back of our hands. This was our hood, you know what I’m sayin! The one thing we had not taken into consideration was the they had the cops included in their plan. Well to make a long story short, Perz, Roger and Steve were able to out run them and get back to a safe place. After they focused the pursuit on me, Paul ran through the frozen swamp, he fell through a few times (remember he was a little husky back then) but eventually walked frozen, through the cat tails, ducked into a large sewer pipe and made it home safe. I however was not so lucky. I ran as fast and as far as I could (remember I was a little husky back then also) till I was just to tired to run any further. Lake County Sheriff coming from one direction and the young, fast smart guys from the other. I did however have just enough energy and focus of mind to come up with a story. Would you expect anything less. After all this is just a younger version of Slim Shady alias BS Johnny and I don’t mean Blessed Sacrament. I just slowed down and began to jog. When the cops pulled up and the young, fast smart guys had me cornered at the end of Melinda Nicksic's street I played dumb to the whole thing and told them with most sincere look I could muster between gasps for air, that I was out jogging. You know, the wrong place at the wrong time. A case of mistaken identity. They gobbled it up hook, line and sinker. Of course they decided to give me a ride home and see what my dad thought of my story. Just in case I was trying to pull a fast one. Lucky for me he was on 3 to 11’s that week. My Grandma never did tell my dad. I never even came close to getting caught again, for fear of what might happen if he was home the next time the cops brought me home from jogging. The moral of this story. And feel free to share this with your kids in case they should ever need some direction in matters of this kind. Don’t follow your husky buddy, follow one of the fast guys who lives in the neighborhood your throwing snowballs at cars in!!! Oh and always, always be prepared to look the cops or any one else in a position of authority straight in the eyes and lie!!! It really does work. I'm living proof of that.

Side Note: Mr. Zagar, forgive the grammatical errors. I felt as doe day added a bit of da region to da story. You know what I’m sayin!!!