Blessed Sacrament Reunion

Welcome...This blog site was created to provide a forum for Blessed Sacrament Alumni to reconnect and share memories. It's our hope that reliving the laughter and recalling the antics can bring us all back to a time when life was so much less complicated!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

From Mr. Vlasic

Mr. Vlasic was not able to create a new post on this blog so he asked that I post this for him.

Hello to all of you out there in the ethereal embrace of the internet. Could any of us in those years decades ago have envisioned the possibility of bringing many of us together in such a way? I doubt seriously the possibility of that, and yet, here we are reminising and laughing together about times which were an important part in making all of us--myself included--the people we are to-day.

All this has certainly caused me to make strong reflections on this past time, and I have realised more than ever how important those years were to me as well. I taught at Blessed Sacrament from 1962 until 1970. starting with Grade V and later moving to Grade VI and exchanging some subjects with Grades VII and VIII which was our early attempt at departmentalisation. That particular transition placed me as a teacher for four years with one group, and I can remember fondly how so many of us cried on that last day when separation occurred, sending this group onward to high school.

My own career moved me to Portage Township Schools, first to Paul Saylor school in South Haven where I had a Grade V class and then on to Aylesworth Middle School where I taught various subjects in Grades VII, VIII, and IX. I was able to establish the same loving relationships with students in Portage as I had in Gary.

In the 1980s things began to change. My school closed. Schools got larger and more impersonal. Outside activities like field trips and travel (which I had used extensively) became difficult, if not impossible. Personal relationships with students--which had always been my trademark of operation (I guess I took "in loco parentis" more literally)--became less acceptable.

My health had deterioriated in the early 1980s and I was allowed an early retirement. I moved to Naples, Florida (I always had difficulty with cold) where I remained until permanently moving to Puerto Rico about four years ago. I had purchased and established a tropical fruit/coffee farm here, so I simply loaded up everything on a ship, sold out in Florida, and rebuilt here. Of course, through the years, I continued my world travel which the summer holidays of teaching allowed me to explore. The Lord has blessed me immensely, and I do have several residences here from the city of San Juan to the Caribbean to the mountain farm.

I came to Puerto Rico because in my world travels I considered it one of the most beautiful and diverse places, but also because of the disillusionment I had with political and economic developments in the United States which, I felt, were leading it to a ruinous future. Perhaps in a paradise outpost this questionable future would be slower to reach and I could feel less guilty as a citizen participant (we are disfranchised here).

Recently, I suspended most of my travel mostly because of my obligations here at home in PR, but also because the world is not so welcoming a place anymore for people from the United States. Your reunion has given me a strong motivation to end this isolation to greet those of you who have been so dear to me from a long time ago, but, knowing myself, I decided this time in my life is best spent at home. It is not without regret, however, that I made this decision, so I hope you will accomodate me by forgiving me my absence in person. I am,as always, with you in spirit and fond memory, and welcome your emails and communications which, I assure you, will be well received and answered. Either email address can be used: or

I intend to keep close communication with the blog for as long as it exists and close communication with those of you with whom I have reestablished friendships. I have sent some photos to Chris Colle, and I am sure she will share them with all of you. Right now, I have plenty of room, so I welcome any of you to visit here in Puerto Rico should destiny bring you to this island.

If I may be allowed a digression to the past, most of you will remember me saying at the end of our school day the prayer:

"May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God the Father, and the fellowship of the Holy Ghost be and abide with you now and for all time."

I could not mean this more sincerely now. God Bless all of you, and may your lives be further enriched by this great reunion which you will enjoy together!

Sincerely, "Loves",

Richard Allen Vlasic


Blogger moodyblues said...

Mr. V,

I lived on 100% uncooked plant food from 1979-1995 (kept my high school weight of 160 pounds until I was close to 50) and I dream of living where I can have access to a lot of fresh fruits and nuts and vegetables. Plus more space for my 21 animals.

I need to get back into my old ways and lose the weight that I've gained by eating too many French fries, pasta, etc. Long story. Maybe seeing the "kids" (those FIFTY YEAR OLD KIDS) will stir some motivation in me that has been dormant too long.

Good to hear that someone made it to PARADISE! Like you, the USA and its cults are a total turn off to me. If the media wasn't so controlled, Americans would KNOW more about what they are paying for in terms of pollution, bloodshed and the like.

I hope that things get sorted out, but I believe in cosmic justice--or at least the balancing out of forces--and some heavy debts are going to be called in sooner than we think. The free ride is over.

I will turn 62 in January and I am seriously thinking of retiring so that I could research and write and create Power Point-driven seminars. I have a specialized niche that I created in wellness astrology, so i have no competition.

This summer will be a test run for me. I failed to apply in time to work summer school, so aside from a few debts that won't get paid now, I have ten weeks to see what I can do with my hundreds of columns.

Indiana Botanic Gardens in Hobart is the world's largest mail-order herbal products business. i know the guy who runs it and he will advertise and sell any publication that I produce that includes herbs and essential oils.

I have 3 degrees--not that I would want to quit a decent paying teaching job only to substitute teach, but in a pinch Whiting--right next door to East Chicago where I live--pays $100 a day.

So I may take the leap. Maybe I'll end up on some land for my animals and a GREEN private school for the youth who can still be salvaged, and have greenhouses and wind/solar power and take care of needy animals and write about what the world must become.

Thanks for sharing your story. I am inspired to make better use of my time.

Ted Zagar

May 15, 2008 at 7:35 PM  
Blogger Jerry "Zed" Persley said...

Mr. Vlasic, You absence is excused but regrettable. You are a great teacher. God bless you are keep you.
Live long and prosper. V.

May 16, 2008 at 5:20 AM  
Blogger Beth said...

Richard, I've enjoyed your comments on the blog and the emails that we have shared.
Send the Coffee to Reflections Salon Inc, 1050 Broadway,
Chesterton,In. 46304
I've been meaning to tell you that all week but time flies when your having so much fun on the blog.

If you call me the night of the reunion I will translate your thoughts to everyone. 219-916-3718.
Reunion time starts at 6:00 pm but it will be best to call around 7:15ish when we are having dinner.

You will be missed by all.
Your friend,


May 18, 2008 at 10:50 AM  
Blogger mark schwinn said...

Mr. Vlasic, I have oftened wondered what happened to you through life's journeys. I always thought you were are good guy and good teacher. In my days at BS your class was a pleasent change from the "NUN" classes. You truely made the day alittle better in a childs life at school. I must admit that the most memerable fact about you was the GIGANTIC padel you use to have. The damn thing had holes in it so the wind resistance was at a minumum which meant additional PAIN when the wood met the childs ass. god knows a felt that stinging SWAT more than once. That's what you called it if you remember. SWAT!!! I will admit that everytime you BEAT me with that padel infront of the intire class I did deserve it. I remember you beating Paul Bernard to a pulp because he made some pansie boy cry and it pissed you off something fierce. Your goal was to get revenge for his actions and make Paul cry. I don't remember how many times you POUNDED him with that padel but some of the holes in the padel were plugged with parts of his clothing. I will share more stories about you at the reunion. It's to bad that you won't be there to defend yourself. Thanks for the memories and I hope good health and life stays with you.

May 19, 2008 at 12:42 PM  
Blogger John "Slim Shady" Rydlewski said...

Thanks Mr. V for all you did to help me. Perhaps I can get down your way sometime next year. Dual visit / vacation. I would love to see you again after all these years. Take care, we will miss you!

May 23, 2008 at 9:09 AM  

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