Blessed Sacrament Reunion
Welcome...This blog site was created to provide a forum for Blessed Sacrament Alumni to reconnect and share memories. It's our hope that reliving the laughter and recalling the antics can bring us all back to a time when life was so much less complicated!
Thanks Nancy! It was great talking to you the other day. Also, thank Marie for me for dropping this off!
Beth.......... I think I see you in our May Crowning picture. Left side you are behind Florence and Nancy!!! See we finally got to see you in a picture!! Yah
Great pictures Nancy and welcome aboard.
Oh gosh Rose I guess I was in your class.
When I saw you at the 60th anniversary party Nancy,I wondered what your secret was, you haven't changed a bit.
Where's Tina??? We haven't heard from her yet, come out come out where ever you are!!!! Tina....
Mr Zagar you look great I don't think you have aged either and we all have such nice things to say about you.
Of course you realize that all the girls had such a crush on you that we would fight for your attention in class. It really made the guys mad. Oh well we were always out for the older guys back then and now we are looking at the younger guys, how things change.
Good to know that you are coming to the reunion Nancy and Tina if you are out there it wouldn't be a party without Tina and Nancy dancing to In-A-gadda-da-vida, all night long. Of course I feel the same about Rose and Toni and the rest of the girls from our class. Great times.
On the contrary, I HAVE aged if this photo is your point of reference. Think white hair, white beard, cheery Santa profile (read tummy)--yep, I better rent a Santa suit after all!
Speaking of Inna Gadda Da Vida, I have a VERY lengthy--and still growing--Microsoft Word document that has all the selectable URL's (addresses of web pages that take you there upon being "clicked") from YouTube showing oldies (from 1950's to present) and newies of all manner of solo and group performances (live, official MTV vids, bootlegs, etc.). You can see almost anything on YouTube. I even collect comedy routines, political news bits (if everything is circular, I'm so far to the left that I probably passed extreme right several times by now, merry-go-round style-go, radical Santa dude!) I can see it now--when everyone realizes that Obama, Hillary and McCain are all same-old, same-old, they will turn to the man with the red suit and his multitude of elves (that would be your grandchildren) who are charging up the Hill (Capitol Hill, that is) to retake the American Revolution and "throw the bums out!"
Oh, well, even men who hang with reindeer have dreams!
Check out YouTube for your fave oldie--98% of the time you'll strike gold. If there are several versions, try them all. Some have lousy sound, some cut off the beginning or end, blah blah blah. If anyone wants me to e-mail my WORD doc-in-progress, just give me a holler at
Ho, ho, ho!
Teddy Claus
Tina and Rose look like twins in the photo with Nancy and Mr.Z.
Looks to me like Tina may have been a little sweet on Mr. Z back in the day. Any one else reading that photo with the same interpretation? I’d hate to see a picture of me next to Miss Crane back then!
Every time I look at that top photo it reminds me of a bad vampire movie or something like The Attack of the Middle School Zombies or something.
Jerry Vampires????
I guess now that you mention it....
But my question is where are the boys pictures.
Or is it that the vampire men can't be seen because of the flash??
OK Jerry, How coud you say that the picture reminds you of a bad vampire movie? You never know you better watch your neck!!! Zombie's definition: a person held to resemble the so-called walking dead, a person markedly strange in appearance or behavior. Vampire's definition: the reanimated body of a dead person's believed to come from the grave at night and suck the blood of persons sleeping. Now do you really think we look like vampires and zombies? Let us know......
Rose, I see you've been doing your home work again!!!!
We were in our finest gowns and the guys just didn't appreciate how beautiful we were.
That must be why we didn't stick with them for too long.
Beth, Us guys were probably too afraid to get too close. And I didn't say you girls weren't beautiful.
Rose, Now I'm really scared. I'm bringing garlic to the reunion. You seem to know too much about this subject.
Hey Jerry, That is why we have dictionaries!! I just looked the definitions up to refresh our minds of vampires and zombies that's all...... My girls loved Buffy the Vampire Slayer and tried to make me watch some of the series. Never really got into all that vampire stuff. We are just teasing with you Jerry. I remember you being a very nice guy in school. We can take anything thrown at us right Beth?
Sticks and Stones might break my bones but names will never harm me.
Honestly Jerry by looking at that communion picture I think you were Dracula in the making.
Maybe it was you that bit my neck in the spook house????
The Brides of Dracula, Jerry?
I guess I shouldn't tell you all that my mother's side (Romanian--dad's parents were from Croatia) was seriously from Transylvania. That isn't unusual in that Romania has 3 states and Transylvania is the largest.
Dracu in Romanian means the devil. Dracula means son of the devil or something like that. Vlad the Impaler was a real prince after whom Bram Stoker wrote his novel, Dracula--and he probably mixed in some folklore. Truth is, darned near every country in Europe--east and west--has myths and legends about ghouls (flesh eaters) and vampires (blood drinkers) and I personally think that these are remnants from the pre-Stone Age days of Paradise (paradesa means orchard in Persian) when people ate mainly fruits and nuts from trees and thus lived near the equator. People who strayed (from the mandate to orchard in Genesis 1:29) and ate flesh were probably initially looked upon with great horror. Think what kind of myths would come out of the orang and gorilla tribes if they developed more linguistic skills and some of their members began eating animals, and later their own species. The vampire/ghoul legends are deeply rooted in the human vegetarian psyche.
Anyway, back to Vlad. He literally impaled many of his victims on long spikes, thus the element of killing with a spike driven through the heart that entered the myth.
Regarding humans rising to monstrous manifestations during Full Moons--like the wolfmen--this comes from the fact that some people on the emotional fringe cannot handle the full 24 hour influence of light energy, which is quite stimulating.
On the New Moon, the Sun and Moon are in the same part of the sky, which is why you never see a New Moon. The Full Moon appears 2 weeks later and it gives the Earth a full dose of radiant energy (reflective from the Moon for 12 Hours and generated and much more powerful from the Sun for the other 12 hours). No cop or hospital worker whom I've ever met would deny that Full Moons are usually more active than the other 27 days per the lunar cycle.
Garlic is a powerful antibiotic--not greatly different from penicillin--and thus it was and still is used by herbalists to ward off disease. Thus, it was carried over to the monster myths as a means to protect against rabid bites, etc.
I think the gals look lovely in the photo. However, the entire premise of what most religions stand for and how all religions are used today to rationalize mass murder (warfare) and so on is chilling--far more so than ghouls, vampires and wolfmen.
But that's another tale from the crypt.
Ted Z
Mr Zagar,
You are so right about the full moon. I worked at Mercy Hospital in downtown Gary before it closed and I could tell you some really bizzare stories of what the full moon can do to some people!!!
Oh Rose, I was just yanking your chain. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I'm sorry. In fact you, Toni and Chris at least look half way normal in that photo. (sorry Beth)
Apology accepted,
I like the idea of being a vampire, I have these two moles on the side of my neck that when I was a kid thought I must have been bit by one.
And to live for ever is a fun idea as long as I look as good as I do today.
Better add "The Monster Mash" by Bobby "Boris" Pickett to the playlist, Beth.
Hpe all you "Queens of the May" come dressed as Vampira--at least for this number.
Ted Z
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