Mr. Zagar's Top Ten List
10. Mr. Z wasn’t the chick magnet that Jerry “Zed” Persley proved to be (see Jerry’s posted photo in the center of a mob of BS ladies!).
9. Mr. Z’s dull life precluded him having ANY reason whatsoever to go into the Confessional at the dance. Mr. Z’s sins would put any priest to sleep. In fact, at Mr. Z’s last confession, the priest felt so sorry and embarrassed for Mr. Z that HE began confessing HIS indiscretions to Mr. Z (I gave him a penance of 3,000 rosaries or buying ALL of the Moody Blues CD’s!!!).
8. Mr. Z’s Santa suit was ruined at the dry cleaners, so he had to show up as Jerry Garcia.
7. Mr. Z is still living in the Bunny Hop era while everyone else is doing the Electric Slide.
6. Mr. Z got skunked by Debbie “Miss Mulligan 2008” Williams on the croquet court. GO DEB SHADY, GO!!!
5. Mr. Z arrived too late to the dance to share an onstage karaoke moment with Slim Shady to the tune of “Born To Be Wild.” Get yer motor runnin’, head out on the highway!
4. Mr. Z was confused for 3 straight days trying to sort out which family member was who, with all the Waltons, Bryans, Dauros, Magallons, Markovich’s, etc. running around!
3. Mr. Z was DEFINITELY disappointed that he forgot the MAP to the PICNIC at home! Trying to get around Lake of the Four Seasons was a TRIP AND A HALF—I didn’t think anyone PURPOSELY designed towns that totally lack straight, level streets! On the upside, a carjacker would NEVER get out of that place before being handcuffed!
2. Mr. Z wished that the boa constrictor wrapped around his neck (see photo) at the picnic weighed 190 pounds more than it did (that’s how much GWB weighs—wink! wink!)
And finally, the MOST DISAPPOINTING moment for Mr. Z at the BS Reunion is the ONLY REAL DISAPPOINMENT, all kidding aside, and I say this from the heart:
1. Although we were together only two years, you were a huge part of my growing into an educator who wants to see life on Earth become a joy for all living things. In that context, I must say that my only disappointment through all of this was to hear of the passing of some of your classmates. Now I can only imagine them as I last saw them—young teens with youthful voices and fresh faces and radiant smiles. That is how I had to picture all of you until we finally stood together in the same room after all these years. I was able to replace my recollections of you, my “first kids,” with the reality that we are now who and what we are, and I must say that you have all aged with grace and beauty—and the smiles are just as radiant as ever! Love You All!!! I have WAYYYY more HAPPY memories of this great weekend that this list of playful “disappointments.”
Hey Teddy that Boa suit was the perfect touch to our reunion.
My one regret is that I didn't get a picture with you.
You have touched my heart with your top ten, boo hoo!
So since I wasn't born with planets around me where do I stand now?
I'll check your planets when summer vacation starts and I have time on my hands (I never wear watches--or any other accessories--so I never have time on my wrists).
I have to add another REAL disappointment to the weekend. There were several classes whose members came together for this and I didn't have the kids from 1970 as students. It would have been nice to meet them and get to know what kind of people they've become. I'll bet some of them had younger brothers and sisters in my three classes that I did teach.
Maybe next time. Weekends are long, but not when there are over 100 people to visit. I didn't even get to speak with all the kids that I had that were at the events. Another disappointment.
Well, the balance sheet--taken as a whole--shows minimal "I wish that's" and many, many "wow, this is great's!"
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