Your BS UNIFORM! (Of course, you still have the option of wearing the blue shirt or white shirt with matching socks!) Okay, okay, if you've misplaced it or worse yet, it doesn't fit anymore-- we'll make an exception...
Not that the men care too much...but we women need to know these things well in advance!We've had several emails requesting info regarding the attire for the reunion.
The reunion setting (the Halls of Justice) is actually quite a beautiful room...they refer to it as a ballroom. So...we thought "Dressy Casual" (something one would wear as a guest to a wedding), would be appropriate.
Plan on arriving between 5:30-6pm to sign in etc...
6pm to 7pm Cocktail Hour and Hors d'oeuvres.
7pm Dinner
8pm Group Photo
More info to follow concerning Mixer at Sheffields Restaurant Friday night 5/23 and Pot Luck Picnic at LOFS on Sunday 5/25.
Been a hippy so long (haven't even TRIMMED my beard or hair since October 1972 when Noll hired me for one year to fill a vacancy) that I must confess to not even owning a sports jacket or suit. Tie? What tie?Gee, what will they bury me in? Well, since I have the white hair, white beard and extra poundage, maybe I'll rent a Santa Claus suit. I have played Santa at my school during December dances, where the kids take photos with the old gift-giver!
Ho Ho Ho!!! (is that politically incorrect in today's rapper inflected world?)
Ted Zagar
Hey Mr.Z, As far as I'm concerned, just show up in any thing except you birthday suit. Just show up,... and bring about 5 or 6 of your best behaved dogs with you.
As long as we don't have to wear uniforms.........
Chris, have you seen what people wear to weddings lately?....well I think jeans and a nice shirt would do. Huh?
Hey Mr. Zagar...I vote leave the Santa outfit (and the Ho's) in storage and come as you are! We'll all be delighted just to see you!
One of "Mr. Z's Strange But True Thoughts"
Strange But True Thought #47: There is NO SUCH THING as nudity. Or nakedness, or being bare, etc.
Is your cat naked? Your dog? Your hamster? Goldfish?
Of course not! Neither were people BEFORE they started to wear clothes, which is the "first line of technology," and therefore very unnatural and unnecessary (at least in our TRUE human habitat--the tropics.)
It took PUTTING CLOTHES ON to necessitate creating a word/concept for the state that exists after you TAKE CLOTHES OFF.
Most people--civilized, so called--subconsciously wear clothes because of shame, the shame of falling away from natural behavior. Now we are on a killing spree (no plant, animal, ecosystem or fellow human being is safe!) and we cling to a culture that rationalizes every drop of innocent blood shed.
In that context, there is nudity. But in the natural world, NO CREATURE covers its body, as our bodies evolved to fit like a puzzle piece into the eco-system within which we were born.
Having said all that, I SHALL dress like Santa Claus and I fully expect the rest of you to dress up like your favorite super hero or heroine! (Gee, on second thought, maybe I'll do what "Zed" suggested and dress like Clark Kent!!!)
Teddy Claus
Mr. Zagar, If the beard and hair are long enough to cover all body parts without the wind blowing it free by all means come in your hairy birthday suite, but truly wouldn't you rather come as "JESUS CHRIST SUPER STAR?"
I will be happy to make it for you.
It would be most appropriate considering it is a Catholic reunion.
And Jerry, you scare me, are you a clone of Mr. Zagar????
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Hey Mr.Z, maybe you and Johnny can come into the hall streaking that would be really cool.
I thought people wore clothes because it got cold.
Beth, Not a clone, just a student of The Man. I learned some good things from Mr.Z like tolerance, acceptance and sticking to your convictions no matter what. You won't have to be around me very long to realize that I am still working on these things though.
I try to not take myself too seriously,(or anyone else for that matter) and try to do what Jesus said. "Do onto others as you would have them do onto you." Greater words were never spoken.
Just remember "Mr. Z's Strange But True Thoughts #47" if Slim Shady and Mr. Z DO decide to take "zed" up and ditch the Santa threads for a rousting romp through the party palace!
Remember the absolutely unassailable and anthrpologically accurate mantra: "There is NO SUCH THING as nudity, there is NO SUCH thing as nakedness, etc.!"
Regarding wearing clothes due to the cold, Jerry, humans started out at the equator eating fruits and nuts (from trees, read Genesis 1:29). Since they relied upon TREES (perennials) for sustenance, they had NO NEED for technology, which came later "after the fall" when we engaged in agriculture (represented by Cain) and animal husbandry (represented by Abel).
In the warm lands, we wouldn't have needed skins or fabrics to cover our warm (and very dark-skinned) bodies. Once we started killing for food we started using fire, clothing and weapons, which "freed" us up to range far outside true human habitat. Once far north, we lost our color and HAD to kill at least one season per year when snow covered the vegetation. Out of this predicament humans created war gods who demanded blood sacrifice to atone for the sins of killing innocent beasts. In the west, many people still believe in Jehovah, the Jewish war god (the Hebrews were not originally monotheists--they had other benign gods and even a goddess, Lilith, the Great Mother--in the opening page of the Old Testament, the GODS are talking about what they created). Alas, humans are still beating each other up for the benefit of their imaginary supernatural warlords!
Anyway, I digress--once again.
The main point of this missive is that the birthday suit is not a suit at all, but maybe the Santa suit IS! In fact, maybe we should ALL dress like our favorite North Pole denizens and make this a COSTUME PARTY!!! (while there even IS still a North Pole!!!)
You guys are meeting two days, right? Why not make one of them "costume optional?" I hear Billy Boy has extra Roman collars (but no ID bracelets) for the more pious of lads, like Slim, Zed, et al.
Ted Z
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