Meet the "Psychedelics"

Picture courtesy of Bill Pratsch: "I can't believe I found this pic. This was our band, I think we called our selves the PSYCHEDELICS or something like that. That's John in the back, Craig on the left, me with the guitar in the face and Greg with the maracas. That was our first paying gig, all the cake and pop you wanted. For some reason I thought Keith was also in the band maybe he was taking a break back stage."
You guys were so cute!!!!
Would you like to put your band together for the reunion???
Was that party for BS kids?
I don't recognize anyone else.
Bat Man I just got your memory page.
6 kids and Disney, Vickie Vale was one busy Bat Woman.
It almost looks like the little girl on the left might be Carlene Villalobos. Anyone else see the resemblance?
I think you are right Chris...
I think this was at someone's Bday can't rememeber who.I can't rememember anyone else in the pic. I don't know about anyone else in the band but I was in it for the Girls. Must have been when the MONKIES where really hot and the girls going all crazy for them. What ever work's
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Who is Batman?
Hi Bill, It's been a long time since we have talked. I remember running into you at some kind of fair in Merrillville maybe the summer of 1981... You were still the sweetest guy I remember in grade school. That's funny Bill about being in the band for the girls!! Who would of ever thought!!!
Hi Rose how's it going. Me sweet, please,you must be thinking of someone else.It's hell getting old,can't remember things clearly, LOL. Anyway thanks for the compliment, always thought you where really sweet. Hope you and your family are doing OK. Boy it's great to hear from you after all these years, who would of ever thought.
Hi Bill, I have two daughters Stephanie is finishing her junior year at Notre Dame and my other daughter Kimberly will be a senior at Andrean next year. My dad past in '05 and my mom is living with my younger brother Keith in Southern Georgia. What about your family? I just got together with some of the girls in our class at TGI Friday's and it felt like we started up right where we left off. It was wonderful!!! It is a great idea having the reunion and to be able to see our classmates after what 36 years!! WOW!!! Do you remember bumbing into me at that fair in Merrillville in 81? I wished we had more time to talk that day but I think we were both busy in what we were doing. Nice talking on the blog to you.
Rose,I do remember bumpimg into at the fair. Sorry to hear about your dad. Hope your mom is doing ok. I remeber our mom's always talking alot at Anco. When ever they talked alot about school I always got grounded. Big mouth ( just kidding)I'm doing great, got married to my high school sweetheart. Have a son who's a soph at UCF. and a daughter that's a senior in HS. Your daughters at Notre Dame that's great, you should be very proud of her.It's great typing to you and I hope my plans can be changed so I can come up to the reunion and see everyone.
Hi Bill, Why can't I remember what high school you went to? Talking about getting old and not remembering that well. Beth knows about my memory. Why can some people remember like it was yesterday and others are sitting there saying to themselves did that really happen??? I loved turning 50 and life is all good!! The time sure does not seem like it has been this long since anyone of us has seen one another. Where are you living now? Hope to see everyone to at the reunion.
I wonder who the girls are in the picture? Which one is Carlene? Just wondering.
Did Carlene past away in the 3rd or 4th grade? That left a real impact on me. Rest in peace Carlene.
Rose, been in Florida for 25 yrs. Went to the big A for HS with alot of the BS kids.Only kept in touch with Tina G. and Bubbie D. after HS. Both of them made my wife and I laugh so much. They were crazy. What elese is new for BS girls.I look back and think it is true about CAT girls, I know I married one.
Hi Bill, Does CAT mean catholic? Just wondering. I am trying to figure out who the girls you mention in your blog a Tina G. and Bubbie D. I know two girls with those intials but it might not be the same girls you are talking about. Wow..... Florida man you got away from the cold winters in Northwest Indiana good for you!! Maybe in time we will end up some where much warmer than NWI. Diffently going some where South. It has been great talking to you. Toni and I will be there on Sunday for the reunion. This is going to be so bizarre seeing everyone after 36 years!!
Rose yes I was talking about catholic girls, Tina Geogieff and Bubbie Dauro. I'm still trying to reshuffle my schedule so I could attend, I hope it works out. I would be crazy seeing everyone after all these years
Bill, those were the girls I was thinking about. It will be great to see everyone and reminisce about our past and talk about what we have been doing all these years. Hope it works out you will be able to come to the reunion. Take care.
Bill don't mind Rose her mind is slipping.
Rose I'm still worrying about that memory of your!!!
Tina G and Bubbie D. come on...
Bill and I had a lengthy conversation when I first talked to him and he reminded me of things I still can't remember taking part in. I think you mixed me up with someone else in the class, Bill.
I was a good CAT Girl. Maybe a little mouthy but good all the same.
At least that's what I remember and I'm sticking to it.
Hey Rose, didn't you and Bill have a thing in grade school.
Ok, I'll let you kill me when you see me.
Love ya Rose,
OK Beth if it makes you feel better it wasn't you. It must of been someone that looked like you. So now you dont have to think about what I said anymore.I know you where aways a good Cat girl had to be, went to church every day.
I'm holding you to that Bill, now if I can make the other guys in the class believe it.
Spin the bottle.... honestly
Beth, that is funny you mentioned about Bill and I having a thing in grade school. It seemed like everyone was always changing boyfriends and girlfriends every other week. Remember???
Bill, I thought I returned your ID bracelet a long time ago? Are you sure you did not miss place it somewhere? If I find your bracelet before the reunion I will bring it or maybe I will wear it like the good old times.
Ok Rose, there was 1 boy from our class that was my boy friend for about 1 week.
I wonder if he remembers??
Do you remember?
No big deal I just thought that since I mentioned Bill I'd give you something.
I D Bracelets? Toni said she has a bunch of guys bracelets.
Beth, you know that Toni would have all the guys bracelets!! How funny!! I am trying to think of the boyfriend you went with for one week. Can you give me a hint???
I hate to break this news but I never had a girlfriend in grade school because I wanted to be a priest just like Father Lou.I gave Rose my ID bracelet because I was giving up all my worldly posssessions and she sat next to me.
OK Bill............ I had your ID bracelet. WHY??? Only because you were going to be a priest and that I was the only girl that sat next to you!! WOW!! Maybe I do still have you ID bracelet or maybe I gave it to Toni?
Hey "Father Billy", you better get your keister to confession and say around 3,000 Hail Marys for lying. You were the master of the ladies. You, Keith and Craig were like
the rat pack. All the girls went for you guys and the rest of us mostly stood around scratching our heads and emitting strange noises.
I agree with Perz! Who is this guy and what has he done with Bill Pratch? I think we should start calling him BS Billy and the BS doesn’t stand for Blessed Sacrament. One minutes he’s in the band for the girls and the next he’s wanting to be a priest. Maybe you hit your head when we were wrestling that cold winter night. Add a couple hundred Our Fathers for the whoppers your trying to sell Billy Boy!
John you dont have a very good memory you where even in the band. All we played was religious music, and me saying I was in it for the girls I meant to say to join my flock. Bless you my children. But I do really want my ID bracelet back. I was just looking for it a couple of days ago because it would have been a great accent to my leisure suit. So give it up ROSE.
I honestly thought that you were all meant for the Priest hood.
You just had that angelic look when you were alter boys or was that the WINE???
Ok, I was just told a story by one of the guys that has not appeared on the blog yet but I think this might tempt him.
There was some Schlitz Malt Liquor and wine from the church involved and someone from this site was found passed out under the pews.
The person that told me this was the only boyfriend I had from our class.
Hummmm! who remembers this????
OK Bill......... I am taking some time out of my day to look for you ID bracelet!!!! Hopefully, it will be in a box tucked away in my garage somewhere marked "IMPORTANT THINGS NOT TO THROW AWAY"....... I do have to admit Bill that finding that ID bracelet would really accent your leisure suit perfectly!! Don't forget to wear your priest collar.
Beth, those are some great hints!! What about some intials to help us out??? You know it has been along time!!
Bill, I have to tell you something about those ID's.
We girls sat around a bon fire one night and decided to melt them in a kettle, rolled them into a ball. Then we buried them on the sacred grounds of BS.
So we could STOMP ON THEM when ever we think about the one that got away.
In loving memory....
Rose, I'm hoping the boys can guess my little story, but I'll give you a hint.
Great Eyes
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OK Beth, There was only one guy who had great looking eyes in our class. I bet he still has them to!! Sorry, since you only went with this guy for only a week I need another hint!! My question would be to you--- was he tall???
Hi Rose, why can't you see me with a guy with great eyes? Hummmm?
All my guys had great eyes, I'm an eye kind of girl...
Rose, considering that I was taller then most of the guys in our class at the time I'd say average..
Hey Father Billy, I'm glad to see you are still a nut burger. I hope you get you I.D. bracelet back to complete your leisure suit ensemble. I bet that Rose really has it, but will act like she don't.
Oh Beth, I did not mean that your other boyfriends did not have nice eyes I was talking about this guy I have in mind had great looking eyes and he was in our class of 72 the one you went with for one week. I am not getting your hints. Sorry........
All I know I spent good money on that braceltt and now I see how these girls just disregarded it. For shame, guy's don't do that. They keep everything only because we are to lazy to throw anything out,but that's beside the point. I still have the first ruler Sister Theo broke on my wrist and I also kept the spinter's from Valsic paddle when he beat the hole class to a bloody pulp for cheating .
Leisure suit with a Roman collar accessorized by a much sought after ID bracelet?
I gotta bring my camera--this is even better than me and Slim Shady in matching Santa suits!
Better still, Billy Boy can join us as one of the nattier- dressed elves.
Ted Z
OK Bill, This picture from the blog got the most hits of commments!! Sorry about your ID bracelet I had nothing to do with destroying it!! I am still looking for the bracelet and I think it might turn up at the reunion. So, don't be discouraged!!
Rose I just love ya!
Ok boys since none of you want to fess up to the boy passed out under the pews from a little to much vino I 'm going to have to confess your sin.
Bill it was you and you probably don't remember because you were passed out.
The person that told me this and I told him I would put this on the blog was Phil Kleminski and he was the only boy that asked me out in our class. Such Bravery!!!
Also Billy, you guys were the ones that broke up with us because you heard we were going to break up with you because you were listening in the vents between the bathrooms.
I always thought it was funny how you guys would pass the boy friend girl friend thing around like a Merry Go Round.
I always felt like you guys were like brothers to me so it didn't feel right having a boy friend from our class.
And I still feel that way today.
Beth that's a lie about passing out. As I was thinking about joining the priesthood I was forced to taste various wines for the priest to make sure that it was fresh for them. I was not pasted out I was looking for lose change. Phil thanks for blowing my good boy image. Now I'll never make it to the vatican. Wow that's funny. I guess now I know why I wanted to break up with girls, to get my I D bracelet back and pon it so I could buy some Boones Farm Strawberry Hill wine. Thanks Phil
Bill as Jerry said... get that keister to confession....
And I can't tell a lie, the bon fire never happened.
Toni Dauro has all of the ID's in a safe place...
Rose if you show up with Bill's ID you will get to sing HOLY HOLY HOLY for every one.
Still looking Bill............... Keep your fingers crossed!!!!!
Rose, if you want some help I'll come by and search with you or just go out and buy poor Billy a new one, he'll never know the difference, since he was drinking that Boones Farm Strawberry Hill Wine.
Hummm!!! Maybe that's what it took for all the guys to ask the girls out, a little vino to loosen there tung.
OK let's put this ID bracelet thing to rest. Rose just buy me a box of wine and we will call it even. I can't wear my leisure suit anymore anyway, my wife finally will not let me out of the house wearing it. Thank god she hasn't found my Saturday Night fever out fit. Beth tell Klem I said hi, as I remember it, we where always good friends as long as we where sipping a little holy water
WOW...........a box of wine! If I can't find your bracelet(and I know it has to say Bill on it with no other name right??) how about one bottle of Blackstone Merlot of California for exchange for an ID bracelet lost somewhere? Great idea!!! Wouldn't you say?
OK Bill, IT'S A DONE DEAL!! I am still looking but if no ID bracelet turns up then Blackstone Merlot it will be!!
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