What a Blog!!!
Welcome...This blog site was created to provide a forum for Blessed Sacrament Alumni to reconnect and share memories. It's our hope that reliving the laughter and recalling the antics can bring us all back to a time when life was so much less complicated!
You know how when you dream you have people you know and people you don't know in the dream and they are doing things that they really do in life or would never do in life and then you wake up and the experience which felt very real is now over and obviously not real?
Well, what if THIS is a dream and just as we all enter the reunion joint whoever is dreaming this with all of us in it wakes up?
Will you still have to pay the DJ, or does the DJ even exist?
If one of you fesses up to be the dreamer of this dream, if it is a dream, what would it take for us real people or imaginary people to get you to wake up AFTER the reunion, seeing how we are having so much fun with the blog and all?
I'll toss in a sawbuck. But assuming that this might be a dream, it will have to be a $20 bill from my old Monopoly game.
OK, who's doing this (dreaming)? Inquiring minds want to know.
Ted Z
You know after you make your blog comment in the little blog comment box and then you have to write the really scribbly letters that you think you can read into the Word Verification line under the little blog comment box, but then you misread one letter and then it makes you d it again with a different set of scribbly letters?
Well, believe it or not, this is my 666th attempt at this particular blog comment and the little scribbly letters below really do spell out mareseatoatsanddoeseatoatsandlittlelambseativy. Well, I blinked to see if it was my imagination and when I opened my eyes a minute ago the little scribbly words said (I think) youknowhowwhenyoudreametc?
Weird, huh?
Well, Bethy, THAT's what you get when you post such an invitingly OPEN blog!!!!
Ted Z
PS Actually, the little squiggly letters have morphed into the winning 6 numbers for the lotto on reunion weekend and the numbers are, are, are, ACHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
Ted, 21 animals? Are you kidding me? Didn't you say you still live in the house you grew up in? In East Chicago? And Mr. vlasic, I remember you taking our class on a field trip that I probably didn't appreciate then--was it Jasper Pulaski?
I have Jupiter (abundance) in the 5th House of Children and Pets. I have 21 pets and zero children . . . thank God!!! It could have been vice versa.
That, plus as a Pan I am only half human (in the non-physical). I don't distinguish between human and animal company, save that the former is mindlessly destroying the latter and the latter is pristine in its unswerving adherence to natural instinct.
I have to surround myself with non-humans to keep from losing perspective during this era of accelerated decadence and mass extinction. It is easy to fall into the trap of being mortal (totally human in identity), when our destiny and (squandered) inheritance is to have universal identity with terrestrial life--how else would we be motivated to shelter it?
Read this:
2019 will tell all.
"The cup is raised, the toast is made yet again
One voice is clear above the din"
All My Love
Led Zeppelin
Ted P
Wellll Mr. Zagar!
I believe we are all having the dream.
I'm sure it has surfaced in all of our minds, to get together with friends that meant so much to us.
Dreams do come true it all depends on the Act of the action.
We've have hit 100 people coming.
That was our goal to start with but I believe there will be more, because the dream is still going.
And to those of you that check out the list of names that are coming and want to see someone that isn't on the list give me a call, I'll give you there number and maybe just maybe they will come if you ask them to. 219-916-3718
See you all soon, and Thanks for sharing in this dream.
Cheryl, I'm sure it was Jasper-Pulaski Game Preserve. It was one of my favourite natural areas in Northern Indiana. If it had a little zoo, then that's the place! We must have had a picnic there, as there is nowhere to buy any food.
I took so many bloody field trips throughout my teaching career it would be hard to recall every one of them. Each would often be uniquely different.
Sometimes they were only small groups on weekends. I think one memory in particular was of a group I took camping in a Michigan state forest (where I had property). It was very snowy and we had a toboggon we pulled behind a jeep on the snow-bound back roads. Three at a time would ride on the toboggon (which was eventually worn out), but on one run three boys left the toboggon to lay still along the roadside.
Looking back at them on the road, my immediate shock was that they had been killed or injured. The little devils jumped up at the last moment to announce their subterfuge! Like I said, so many kinds of trips!
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