"I Remember" by Eva Claypool
I remember a few things from my years at Blessed Sacrament. Please understand that my memory is limited these days to short lists. Most of them are fond memories, some of them not so great, but good or bad, they have a place in my heart.
Does anyone remember the Nuns rewarding our good works by allowing us to play Bingo during class hours one year? I think it was in the 3rd grade. This stands out in my mind, not so much because of the rarity of the event, but because I won the Grand Prize. It was a "beeeautiful" ceramic statue of St Joseph. I know it was beeeautiful statue because all the Nuns gathered around me when I opened the box and ooooohed and aaaaahed. I had that statue for a long time and always cherished it.
I also remember our class sustaining allot of injuries. Many of which were mine. One particular incident for me, was on the playground. (who's idea was it to have a playground on a concrete parking lot?) I was playing Double Dutch and slid on the heels of my brand new Penny Loafers. I took quite a spill and hit my head really hard on the asphalt. When I regained consciousness, I stood up and everything was spinning around. Miss Crane ran to me to keep me from falling again, she had on that velvet poncho she always wore, that I thought was so cool. She took me into the nurses room and as I went to lay down on the cot, Sister
Theodore came in and insisted I walk around. I thought she was so mean because all I wanted to do was lay down. I later learned that she thought I had a concussion and was afraid I would not wake up. Sorry Sister for all the bad things I wished on you that day.
On a lighter note, I don't know what the guys had to watch and discuss on the day we had our so called "sex education" lesson but the girls lesson was a bit one sided. I personally came away thinking that a boy was not involved in procreation at all. A even bigger lesson was that you should never send a question to a nurse on a piece of paper that can be traced back to you. Especially if you start that letter with "this summer I started my period" blah blah blah blah.
You see, if you become "a woman" in the 4th grade, you might as well wear a scarlet letter on your chest. In my case that would have really stuck out, even then. Oh the woes of puberty!
Thus the reason I left in the 5th grade. Just kidding!!! I went to Lake Jr High School because it was just down the street from me and my parents were under the delusion that I no longer needed the sheltered world of Blessed Sacrament. They later reversed that decision by sending me to Andrean High School for my Junior and Senior years.
But I regress....It seems to me now, that although we were taught 7 days a week, things like materialism was a bad thing, we had a preoccupation with material things. Such as;
clothes-especially on Sunday!
45 records
long stocking caps-the more colorful the better. (you always new when a boy liked you, cause he would rip it right off your head.)
patten leather shoes (later to be replaced by saddle shoes or penny loafers)
glow balls ( again I want to apologize to Valerie for breaking hers by resting it on the top of my lap shade so it would absorb the light better and it exploded the bulb, thereby putting a whole in the ball and all the glow liquid ran out and ruined it.)
mood rings
flower power anything
I.D. bracelets
doilies or veils for church
These are just a few ways we expressed our individuality in a sea of blue jumpers and plaid skirts.
What a small world we lived in. As I look back at all the turmoil we watched on the 5 o'clock news every evening, with the war and protests going on, it was a real haven. So all in all, with the good and the bad, our world was quite a little haven for us to grow up in.
And that is how I remember Blessed Sacrament.
See you at the reunion,
Eva Claypool
Good Job with the memories Eva.
Last night Chris Eva and I had a few glasses of wine and some good pasta and thought about how simple life was.
We also remembered, peace signs, bubble rings, patches, short shorts, halter tops, bell bottoms and so much more.
The three of us can laugh for hours..
How funny, The sex-education movie! You're right...by the time it was over, I think they made sure that we girls were all still clueless as to what men had to do with the procreation process!
Okay boys...do tell...what exactly did you learn that infamous day when they filed you out of the room to watch YOUR "sex education" movie?
Did you have to pass notes up to the front of the room with questions for the nurse too?
If you boys were sworn to secrecy, we'll understand...you don't have to disclose the details!!
Mr. Vlasic taught us sex ed. He can probably give you the scoupe on the class. We had already discovered Playboy, Penthouse, and OUI, so we already had a basic understanding of the differences between male and female. Mostly we would just look at the pictures and look at each other and laugh. I'm sure it was probably more uncomfortable to teach than to be taught for the boys. The pictures were much more interesting in the magazines than the film anyway. I don't think we were clueless. Especially Perz, he must have gotten an A in the class, since he procreated six kids worth. What memories do you have you little Perz Snatcher you!!!
Six kids, Jerry? I'll bet any money you either have Sagittarius or its planet Jupiter in the 5th House at birth.
Too Greek (apologies to the Greeks, but, hey, they produced some of the BEST stargazers during the ancient era)?
Discounting the Sun, Jupiter is our largest neighbor. You can fit Earth into Jupiter 1,300 times! Yet, it has the FASTEST spin of all nearby spheres, effecting one day-night cycle in 9 hours and 50 minutes. This is because Jupiter has a liquid core and a deep, gaseous atmosphere. Don't plan on standing on Jupiter anytime soon.
In fact, the sequel to "2001: A Space Odyssey" was titled "2010," and in that movie Jupiter--which gives more energy than it receives (like the Sun)--transformed to a smaller, 2nd star in the solar system.
Don't know if THAT will happen BUT after 40 years of studying astrology (OK, 39) and examining thousands of charts, the placement of Jupiter (or its associate sign, Sagittarius) in the natal/birth chart signifies where you will have ABUNDANCE.
The 5th House is where the Sun would be roughly 2-4 hours after it sets. This is not a visible House (Houses 1-6 lie BELOW the East-West Horizon, while Houses 7-12 are above and visible).
The 5th House governs all things Leo, so that includes children and animals/pets. I have 21 animals and Jupiter is the only planet in my 5th House. If Jerry was born at the time of day when Sag or Jupiter was in his 5th (or opposing 11th--or even the 1st House of Physical Body)--then he would have a bumper crop of kids. With me, it happened in the pet sphere.
Jupiter/Sag also governs religion and ethics, one's philosophy. By having Jupiter in my 5th House of Pets, this influenced my decision to become an ethically motivated vegetarian in the Fall of 1971, then becoming a full-blown vegan (no leather, wool, silk, etc.) one year later. I have also recued many abused animals owing to my philosophical perspective that they have every bit of spiritual being that humans have (and probably more than many people whom I have met or read about).
OK, Jer, cough up the birth data: full date, place, exact time if you can get it (the time will place the planets in the Houses, so unless I have that, we won't know what is in your 5th House or where Jupiter is, House-wise, even though we will know what sign it is in).
Ted Magi
PS Deb and Deb, I'll be sending you some data soon on your charts.
Hey Eva, In our sex ed class, Keith Underwood asked how the sperm got to the egg. He was serious and I was wondering too. Mr. Vlasic never gave us a clear answer. I'm still not sure.
Johnny, I had 2 kids and my second wife, Lisa, whom I am still married to 16 years, had 4.
Mr. Z, April 24, 1958, I don't know what time of day. You never answered my e mail about Adrian Belew. Do you have any of his stuff ? Zed
Yes, I have heard of Adrian Belew, as I have some early King Crimson stuff. If you have some off the wall solo or other stuff of his and still want to share, go for it.
Regarding your chart, you have the Sun on the 3rd degree of Taurus. There are 360 degrees in any circle, including the sky that wraps around Earth. Each zodiac sign covers 30 degrees. Since the Sun needs 365 days to circle the zodiac, it travels at roughly a degree per day. Thus, a person with a 3 degree Taurus Sun was probably born on the 3rd (or 4th) day of Taurus. This is where your love of music comes from, as Taurus and Libra are the two signs associated with Venus. Venus is pretty round--not flat poles/equatorial bulge like Earth and the others--and it is pretty circular in its orbit around the Sun--it is the least elliptical (egg shaped) in orbit. To the ancients, Venus represented balance and harmony, and thus music and the quest for peace.
Taurus gives you sensitivity in the throat and neck, plus thyroid, and we are in that sign now, so DON'T yell at the kids! (all 6 of them!!! :)
I can't see you as a big yeller (or even an Old Yeller--I know, bad pun, but us Capricorns REVEL in lousy puns) anyway, being a child of Venus.
Additionally, you have Neptune at 3 degrees Scorpio--exactly 180 degrees across the sky from your Sun. Neptune is Pisces and that is the sign of mercy, sympathy, charity, even self-sacrifice. It also sensitizes the feet and the immune system/lymph glands. SO DON'T KICK THE CHAIR WHEN YOU ARE AVOIDING YELLING AT THE KIDS!!! Yep, all 6 of them. But I really can't see you as a Yeller, or even as a Kicker. Maybe a fancy footworkin' dude on the dance floor!!! Hey, committee, a little ADRIEN BELEW music to get ZED on the floor in a few weekends, please!
Ted Z
Thanks Mr.Z, I have had some minor problem with my throat. I was taking the "purple pill" for a while. I do love music, but as far as those attributes of charity and mercy, well I'm far too humble to admit to any of that. I'm very proud of how humble I am. I'm sure I've done my share of yelling. But what you wrote is very interesting. Thanks again.
I'm not much of a dancer, but after a few, I will get out there.
Jerry, it's good to know that after a few you will dance, and I plan on holding you to it....
Don't egg Jerry on. He said "after a few"--but he didn't specify what "a few" means. Don't forget, he's a postal worker. A few could mean a few banana clips!!! :} :}
He might use them to make the rest of us "dance" with knees knockin' chins, a la the old western movies. "Dance, hombre, dance!" Pa-ching, pa-ching! Just don't put a hole in the spittoon, amigo!
Also, Jerry, I am supremely gratified to see that your humility has transcended the lower escheleons of inconspicuousness (say that word 10 times real fast everybody) and that you are now a full-fledged "ego scout" like the rest of us. Betcha ya got some really cool merit badges.
So, you do fall into the Taurus mold with sensitive throat, eh? Those little purple pills--those wouldn't be what Jimi Hendrix was singing about, would they?
I forgot to mention that Neptune governs karma and also sensitivity and even pyschic, gut feelings. So, with an exact 180 degree opposition between your Sun and Neptune, I would guess that much in this life seems dreamlike to you, and that you have far more "been here already" deja vu experiences. You probably knew everything that was going to happen during BS years before they even occurred.
Like I said, Neptune governs the feet, and an opposition to the Sun can make your tootsies tender--so don't overdo it on the dance floor.
This one is for Johnny Boy.
Here is the URL for Black Oak Arkansas' "Jim Dandy (To the Rescue)" on youtube. Insert the words, "Go Slim Shady, go Slim Shady!" whenever Ruby Starr sings, "Go Jim Dandy, go Jim Dandy."
Check out Jim Dandy's white get-up--can you tell this was rock and rock attire of the 1970's???
Hey, Jerry, would Adrian Belew get caught dead in Jim Dandy's garb?
Remember those old 1940's movies about the days of royalty? When a prominent couple is ready to enter the ballroom, some butler from the top of the stairs announces them. I would like to see "Jim Dandy" played when Slim Shady makes his appearance--on motorcycle, of course. We could all sing the chorus.
OK, so who has the threads, the big hair and the bods to fill in for Jim Dandy and Ruby Starr?
Beth, I'm sure Lisa will let me dance with you as long as there is no bitting.
Z-Man, I meant a few ex-lax. I can always bust a "move" after a few of those. What ever kind of purple pill
could you be talking about, my mind is a little hazy.
Hey Chris and Beth, you two gotta get Mr.Z on the dance floor. I bet he does an awesome Watusi.
I think my dance repertoire is limited to the Santa Shuffle, the Reindeer Romp, the Yuletide Twist and the Candy Cane, the lattermost being banned in 43 states (and Puerto Rico and Guam) since it has a bit of non-gratuitious violence and conduct unbecoming a merry old children's idol. The Candy Cane is 4 foot long and has a taser at the end. The dance resembles the Bunny Hop (I only do Christmas dances, however, not Easter) and the Bunny hop-hop-hoppers in front of me and the taser-tipped cane are corrupt politicians, globalists and various and sundry dictators of all stripes and hues. I say non-gratuitous because I really don't get any pleasure in playing tag with the boyz from Brazil (wink) and see this merely as an exercise in justice in the absence of same in the United States government post 9/11.
Ooops! Forgot "Jingle Bell Rock!" Got that on your list, Bethy?
Santa Z
Mr. Zagar, your song with me will be TO SIR WITH LOVE, when that plays I will be walking in your direction. Be Ready....
By the way Teddy.. I'm a Capricorn 1/5/57 Born with the early sun rise. Put my poor mother through hell with 5 days of labor and it didn't end there.
Jerry I will ask your wife for permission to dance with you the proper way.
What will be our song???
I would like a moment to dance with all the guys from our class, it will be a moment to remember for me.
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To answer some of your questions: Yes, I do remember our "attempts" at sex education at BS. I think I may have been the one to suggest to Sr.Theodore that we do this.
That may have been prompted by a girl in my class who suddenly jumped skyward and started screaming. She ran out of the room with a trail of blood. I got the nuns to calm her down. It seems nobody in her family had explained what would happen as she matured, so I felt that perhaps the school should try to approach this delicate subject (at least then).
Sure, some of you guys had information and hid this forbidden literature under the mattress, but, believe me, there were enough mouths wide open and strained eyes to convince me that the subject was taboo in too many homes.
I did this without separating boys and girls (I still think this to have been a good idea), but of course discretion was still important, making some lessons and questions a bit uncomfortable.
Back then it was rather a pioneering movement to bring this subject into the classroom. I hope it helped some of you.
Mr. V might have seen easier times back then, regarding sex ed in Catholic school.
The pill, IUD, etc. changed much, not the least that "sex" has become what it is NOT, that is, everything EXCEPT the reproductive act. How many people actually THINK about reproduction when they engage in what they call "sex?"
In the ancient days of Rome, some orgiasts would eat to filled and then vomit, then stuff themselves again. They were not truly EATING, that is, swallowing food to nutrify the organism, but rather, they had descended into mere sensationalism. The mere senses and their titillation became the goal, forget the biolgical function being denigrated.
I would venture to say that most of what passes for "sex" these days is NOT, any more than eat-and-purge describes the natural act of satisfying the body's nutritional needs.
By falling into the sensationalist's trap, one becomes more "mortal," stuck in the bodily at the expense of minimizing--even abandoning--the spiritual. There is no "if" that our mortal self will bid farewell some day to the life force that animates it. Will anything remain, move on, stand more than time's fickle test? If so, then what is gained to be so oriented to sense pleasure, self-focus, being detained at the juvenile level, etc.?
"Sex ed," I fear, will become an "anything goes" proposition that places the least "sexual" (in true biological terms) activities on the same footing as the act of reproduction.
Folks, if you "do it" and a baby ain't happenin', it just ain't "sex." Jesus said we could learn much from the other things that live around us. Funny how animals ALWAYS get it right by following INSTINCTS, while humanity--both blessed and cursed with imagination and the ability to stray from the path of nature, as they say (appropriately inserted here), could "f - - - up a w - - dream," literally.
I feel for the kids these days. So much confusion. How can they learn truth--the only liberating force--when even the schools lie about vital biological needs such as food, sex, etc.? I am the school librarian and even the history and contemporary society books coming out are slanted/politicized--often big time--so I reject them and don't buy them for my shelves.
Ted Z
By the way, when people were more aware of nature and its cycles, women used their SECOND Moon-based fertility cycle in harmony with the KNOWN and OBVIOUS menstrual cycle to understand WHEN pregnancy would most likely be an outcome of intimate behavior.
The SIZE/SHAPE of the Moon (the phase) under which a female is born constitutes one of two Moon-driven fertility cyclesw, according to research done by Dr. Eugen Jonas of the former Czechoslovakia.
The rhythm method is 70% successful but when harnessed to the soli-lunar angular method, you effect a 98% accurate method--same as the Pill.
You can also determine the gender of the child this way.
See "Astrological Birth Control" by Sheila Ostrander.
Ted "Starman" Z
Hey Mr.Z, I agree that sex should not be taken for granted and shouldn't happen outside a lifetime commitment.
When you mentioned it's only for procreating & animals got it right again, well I don't think my dog Simba was thinking about puppies when he "visited" my neighbor's shitzu.
I promise I will not bring any banana clips to the reunion. Maybe some spit balls though.
With 6 billion people--most living outside true human habitat/tropics (and thus needing energy/oil to survive temperature variations)--running around the planet, I certainly don't want to encourage rampant breeding.
Physical intimacy among humans CAN (and obviously does) take place outside of fertility cycles because the human has an imagination that allows us to be "interested" in getting close to each other outside of the natural framework when scents and other arousal mechanisms are in full play (and you thought this was going to be just another reference to an "oldie" with the signature sign off of "Go Slim Shady, Go Slim Shady," didn't you?!).
In short, humans can use visual cues alone to want to get it on, and we do. But that leads to many problems, especially if we get close to people who we are not interested in being close with in the short or long haul. The notorious one night stand, if indeed, any standing is going on.
I made reference to ABC (astrological birth control) and the TWO lunar-driven fertility cycles that women apparently have not so much to encourage shallow physical relationships (even though using ABC would prevent a lot of unwanted pregnancies, and all a woman has to do is "give up" maybe 2-4 days of close contact per month--a small sacrifice if you take into consideration the trauma of abortion, broken homes, etc.)
For the committed couples, it is a way to limit family size without compromising the health (mainly the woman's) of its members. Some pregnancy avoidance chemicals and contraptions (IUD) have been indicted as leading to cancer, etc. mainly in women.
Anyway, I am not so naive to think that people will engage in reproductive activity (i.e., sex) only with initiating a pregnancy in mind. Far from it. But I would encourage such people to examine all of the natural options available to them because overpopulation of humans in non-human habitat (non-tropical regions) is straining native plant and animal populations world wide. Unfortunately, people would rather believe in superstition (certain aspects of religion, cultural lies passed down as truth, etc.) than science (the ecological approach to astrology, where the solar system members and their cycles are integrated into the environmental study of life).
And, yes, astrology CAN be used to limit human population growth without war or engaging in unnatural, unhealthy practices that, in the main, victimize women.
This is crunch time in world history and if what I say has merit, then every little girl (and boy) should be SHOWN--every 28 days--exactly what size/phase moon they were born under. Once they start their cycles, they will FEEL what I am talking about and they will hold at bay the hounds who would initiate something that a reasonable delay might avoid. The winnings are huge and the losses almost beyond imagining (think TWELVE billion people instead of 6 wanting more oil!!!).
Getting the Moon Phase/size of a person's birth moment is easy enough. Most of you gals might be slipping into the age range where pregnancy is becoming less an issue, but you may have daughters or even granddaughters whose world in the future must be considered if the fate of life on the planet means anything.
Aside from that, NO, I won't quote from Marvin Gaye's "Sexual Healing" (a song that I totally don't like, even though I love most of Marvin's other things) and then give the Slim Shady sign-off.
Oh, hell, I lied!
Let's try "Rock the Boat" by the HUES CORPORATION.
"Our love is like a ship out on the ocean
and we're sailing with a cargo full of love and devotion!"
THAT'S where it's at, folks. LOVE and DEVOTION!!! Got it, students? You get BOTH of those in your relationship package and the rest will take care of itself.
Ted Z
Here's a fun tune from the '70's, as previously mentioned. DIG those "fro's" and disco duds!
"Rock the Boat" by the Hues Corporation. They were going to name themselves after Howard Hughes but avoided that due to possible complcations.
Isn't it funny how Eva posted so many other things and all you can talk about is the SEX EDUCATION CLASS!!!!
Those movies scared the crap out of me, I'm still a virgin...
My kids were brought to me by the stork and I'm sticking to that.
Hey, I just looked out my window and saw pigs flying. Does that mens anything ?
Ok Jerry Eva and I had a good laugh with that one.
But I'm still sticking to my story.
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