Blessed Sacrament Reunion

Welcome...This blog site was created to provide a forum for Blessed Sacrament Alumni to reconnect and share memories. It's our hope that reliving the laughter and recalling the antics can bring us all back to a time when life was so much less complicated!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

First Friday Devotions

Remember when we as a class had to go to church and do devotions on the first Friday of the month...I want to pick Ted's brain about that one...I vaguely remember a devotion Friday where I can picture you standing up in front of the altar and possibly saying something slightly sac religious to us...I vaguely remember it could have concerned the Virgin Mary or something like that...I sort of remember I got goose bumps when you said I crazy or did something any where near that ever happen?? I just remember I loved that you were a little of a rebel and taught us some pretty cool things that opened our minds to the world around us...we needed to break out of that conservative Catholic box and you helped us do that in every little way...see how all of us remember what a wonderfully unique individual and teacher you were and are....:)


Blogger moodyblues said...

Lord have mercy, you don't even want to take me into the area of religion! haha! I am not sure what I said that you vaguely recall, but my views on religion today are so far out that most people would swallow their tongues (not those fiery hosts from heaven, either!).

As many of you know, I am a published (weekly) Wellness Astrologer. Astrology is not the basis for my beliefs, but over 39 years it has explained much to me, and in some ways it has made me appreciate some of the core values that I was exposed to as a Catholic (which I abandoned as a practice in my very early 20's) and a former student of all religions, philosophies, etc.

Let me give an example. Joshua ben Joseph (Jesus) belonged to one of three vegetarian Jewish groups (Nazarites--the other two being the Essenes--who wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls--and the Theraputae--families in Egypt who followed some of the thoughts of the vegetarian Greek mathematician, Pythagoras).

Jesus and family fled to Egypt when the child was two and they probably lived among the Theraputae. Know one knows what Pythagoras' real name was. Like Joshua (Jesus), he became known through a Hellenized (Greek) name. But it was taken from Pitta Guru, as he was known by the Hindus among whom he studied and taught when Alexander conquered the known world up to northern India three centuries before Joshua was born and returned to Europe with prayer beads--which became the rosary--as well as the trinity (creator, preserver, destroyer--Brahma, Vishnu, Siva--who morphed into Father, Son and Holy Spirit), etc. Jesus Christ means Joshua the anointed one in Greek, and this was NOT the prophet/astrologer's name.

As a Catholic I was taught about the miracle of the loaves and fishes. Joshua went into the wilderness and ascended to a high place. That is, he went into the desert and climbed a hill, plateau, mountain, you get the idea. Great place to watch the celestial bodies rise in the east and set in the west--the best place to study the stars, compared to ground level.

Prophecy is based upon intuition and science yoked together. Right brain-left brain. All Old Testamental prophets used astrology, as mandated in Genesis 1:14, and the Magi, who discovered the infant in Bethlehem, were Zoroastrian high priests-astrologers from Persia (Iran) who divined using the planets ("we saw his star in the East").

Astrology recognizes a Great Year that runs about 26,000 years. Each Great Month runs a bit over 2,000 years. The Age of Aquarius is dawning, but Joshua was around when the Age of Aries (Ram, Ewe, Lamb) was giving way to the Age of Pisces (two fish). Alternately, Joshua is symbolized by a Lamb (Aries) and the sign of the Fish. As a vegetarian Nazarite, he would never have fed anyone fish, and he even told the few fishermen in his closest circle to "abandon your nets, for I will make you fishers of men's souls."

In the story of the miracle, Joshua feeds a multitude 2 fish and 5 loaves. This was the dawning of the Age of Pisces (2 fish) opposing the Age of Virgo (Maiden holding loaves or shafts of grain). At the end of the "eating/feeding" they collected the "remnants" and filled twelve baskets.

To me this is Joshua following the mandate of Genesis 1:14 to teach others to understand what this incarnation seeks that they do by studying the "writing on the celestial wall" (planetary motion set against one's unique natal/birth planetary pattern). He wasn't feeding people fish and bread. He was teaching them cosmology and celestial mechanics. As this is an ongoing study that has neither beginning nor end, the "remnants" of the teaching/feeding were collected and they filled the twelve baskets of zodiacal experience through the dozen Sun signs.

Pisces governs fossil fuels and they will be gone as the Age of Aquarius (electricity--opposite the Age of Leo--Sun/solar power) grabs the baton from the eclipsing Age of Pisces. Christianity in many places and in many times over the past two millennia served many souls well, and it will continue to do so IF people are given the truth about Joshua and his mission and abandon the unecessary taking of life (fish, lambs, etc.) in "His name" and carry their standard onto the world's battlefields. The Good Man has been compromised by warmongers and warlords the world over, but the

"Peacemaker will inherit the Earth"



PS Apologies to Joshua's mother if I left any residual doubts about her beauty to young minds. Fact is, the Age of Pisces opposite the Age of Virgo/Virgin/purity was RIPE for a Cult of the Virgin. Many "heroes" were thought to have been born of a virgin, to assure divine or semi-divine pedigree. The Romans considered their emperors to be avatars==gods in flesh. Caesar was thought to have been born of a virgin. So too many Greek heroes. The persons who made the Prophet into the Son of God were seeking to compete with some pretty stiff competition, so as the first few centuries after Joshua lived and passed, as we all must, the cult of the virgin birth, the god-made-flesh, etc. were attached to his person, unfortunately obscuring his message of peace to all living beings, the message of the Nazarite.

Sampson was also a Nazarite, and his mother took the Nazarite vow for him when he was in the womb. The Nazarite does not eat the dead (of any species), drink alcohol or cut the hair. Sampson became drunk and "spiritually blinded" by a lustful relationship and his hair--the strength of his individuality--was shorn. You know the story.

Anyway, I would be pleased to examine the natal/birth patterns of any former students and tell you what body zones you need to keep healthy. That is my mission, and it would be my pleasure.

The Age of Aquarius--ruler of Astrology--is dawning and the star science will be perverted over the next 2,000 years--as Christianity was in some quarters--so I wish to present a holistic form of it before others use it to force people into jobs, relationships, etc. that their hearts aren't into but that some would say their charts dictate--I don't believe in all that fatalistic stuff--I honor the individual and his/her freedom to become what they are deep within and to respect their choices, as long as they are aligned to natural--not man--laws.

Does that answer your question, Deb?


May 6, 2008 at 11:00 PM  
Blogger Debbie Walton 1972 said...

Ted, does that answer my question?? That's an was very fascinating to read. I believe there are so many things out there in the universe that we don't understand...anything is possible. The thing I believe in the most at the present is the word HOPE, we really need it in this screwed up planet...can I be the first to volunteer to have you do my charts??? What info do you need?

May 6, 2008 at 11:29 PM  
Blogger moodyblues said...

For me to take a quick look at anyone's natal planetary pattern and toss back some quick tips I would need first/last name, full date of birth, city/state of birth--and if you have access to it, ther exact time of birth.

You can do a lot without the birth time, but with it you have a 100% accurate chart.


May 7, 2008 at 4:24 PM  

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