Blessed Sacrament Reunion

Welcome...This blog site was created to provide a forum for Blessed Sacrament Alumni to reconnect and share memories. It's our hope that reliving the laughter and recalling the antics can bring us all back to a time when life was so much less complicated!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Group photo

Hello to all,
What did you think of the group photo? At the reunion I only got stumped by a couple of faces, but now I recognize those smiles from way back when.
Who stumped you???
Who have you kept in touch with since then?
Thanks to all of you who have shared your photos from the Reunion and if there is anyone else that would like to share send them to Debbie Williams and she will be happy to post them.Keep in touch everyone.


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Phil Kleminski!!!!!!!!

Yesterday Chris and I(Beth)were running around in Merrillville and went down Cleveland St. memory lane.
Chris says " Hey there is Maris Roofing doesn't Phil work there?" So I do a Ueee in the middle of Cleveland St and go in.

There he was..
Tall and lean and those beautiful brown eyes looking at us with no recognition at all.
And then it was me first(Beth) and Chris had to tell him who she was.
I said how is it that you recognize me which I was only there for 3 yrs and Chris your whole 8 yrs? He said memorable moments in those last few years or brain cell are fried.

We had a very nice visit and he promises to come to the next event.

So a word of warning to all those that didn't show to the reunion.
We are still searching and checking up on all of our fellow class mates, you'll never know when we might show up at your door step.

And Phil, we know you are checking on the blog so post some of your funny stories for us.
Great seeing you,

Sunday, June 15, 2008

A silent blog is a lonly blog...

Hello to everyone in Blog land!!

Are you sitting back and rereading the comments?
Thinking about how much fun and the memories we shared as class mate?
Looking at those young children faces and trying to pick out the adult ones?
Remembering the conversations you had at the reunion?
Wondering why you didn't get a picture with the nun board?
Or why didn't you get to confession?
Seeing those smiling faces and wondering why you didn't come to the reunion?

So today I decided to reminiscence and read the blog from the beginning.
I still laugh till I cry and almost pee my pants.
The stories of spewing in the halls and cafeteria, Master keys being stolen, spit balls in church, stealing the wine from church, defacing the building, Sr. Theodore and the counter bushes, Sr. Virginette and her famous pitch pipe, Laughing during prayer,The dumb act,how short can that skirt go,and so many more.


Are they still prankster?
Do you see the little boy or girl that you remember?
Did you find some healing?

I tried so hard to talk to all of you but my duties as a host took control so it was impossible to reach out to all.
But I feel I had a healing moment with a class mate and I would like to share.

There was a class mate that I got in trouble because she wore perfume to school. It must have aggravated my asthma so I had a problem. What I didn't or don't remember is that she got in a lot of trouble and she was humiliated. I always felt tension between us but really didn't know why.
Well she told me the story at the reunion and I couldn't remember any of it. Of course I felt so bad even today that I would cause pain to anyone in the grade school days.
At the end of our conversation I felt relieved that I was able to apologize to her and hope that today she feels better about me.

So here is my official apology my friend and may you be blessed with laughter for the rest of your life.

On to a little business.

Paula Walton will be in town June 26th. We will be putting the finishing touches to the DVD she is making.
Yes we are still at work perfecting the reunion and we hope it never ends.
Anyway if there is anyone that would like to make a confession or take a picture with the nun board or just hang with us for a couple of days here are a couple of things we will be doing.

Our plan is to go to the church and into the school to do some detail work. Dates haven't been set yet but if you are interested in participating give us a call or email us and we will let you know the schedule.
Of course it will be great to see anyone again so join in the fun.

It would be nice to read about rekindling friendships and if you have made any plans to meet up with your fellow class mates.

Oh by the way! Did you get your group photo in the mail YET????
Everyone looks great.
You can still order a photo if you want one, you know how to contact us.

Thinking of all of you and the fun just never ends.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Reunion Pics from Diana Barrera

Diana Barrera and Bob Vahary

Rhonda Winandy and Ted Zagar

Ted Zagar and Diana Barrera

Sister Colette and Patty Ferkul

Dave Wasil, Bob Vahary and Bob Kacmar

Dave Reba, Melynda Nicksic, Bill Marker and Jaye Markovich

Dave Reba and Greg Gomolka

Melynda Nicksic and Bob Kacmar

Field Trip to Blessed Sacrament

Don't mind us...just snoopin' around!

Nope.... nothing in this desk either!

Bathrooms haven't changed...

Taking a break...doing some casual reading's all fun and games til someone calls the COPS!!!

Photos Courtesy of Diana Barrera

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Hello to All -from Debra DeLong

I want to thank the committee for putting this fabulous endeavor together. Kudos!

I enjoyed myself immensely! I felt like a kid again seeing all of my childhood friends. You made my weekend very memorable! Seeing all of you made me remember the craziness we lived through and the immense fun we had being children. Today I went to get my CD and I laughed and cried. The memories I will cherish forever!

Next reunion: The Blessed Sacrament Geriatric Reunion! Bring a cane, wheelchair or whatever it takes to get here!

Here are a few photos I would like to share with Ya’ll!

(Share your photos with me as well!) We all did not take the same photos I’m sure!

Have a blessed day!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Pics from Debra DeLong

Class of '71

Paul Balunda, Paul Bernard, Brian Czekala, and Tom Stinar

The Gals from '71:
Nancy G, Cheryl M, Peggy W, Ruth W, Debbie D, Lynn K, Blanche W, Cheri T. and Cindy S.
The gals at Sheffields (Are you blowing bubbles or is that a beef jerky?)

Hello backatcha, Mr. Zagar!

Hmmmm...look familiar? Wow!

Class of 1971 (Cindy, did you ride a Horse in? :) )

Class of 1973

Nancy Gomolka, Peggy White, Ruth Westforth, and Lynn Kenney

Cindy Starkey, Cheryl Markovich, Debbie DeLong and Laurie Michalowski

Sister Margarit-a (Brian Czekala) and her/his faithful, all-obeying Alterboy (John Rydlewski)

Laurie Michalowski (Sister Laurentine) and Linda Burkhart

Ellen White, Erica Bristow and Mimi Tomondi

Debbie DeLong and Tom Stinar

Sister Theodore and Ted Zagar (She didn't recognize him either!)

Paul Bernard and his Wife

Cheri Tonetski

Peggy White and Lynn Kenney

Beth and Sister Deloria
The Band! Mike and Garry Aloia, Jim Rydlewski, Mimi Tomondi and Len Cooke

Debbie DeLong and Debbie Walton

Peggy White and Cindy Starkey

Harry & Cindy Rodriguez and Cheryl Markovich

more faces

Monday, June 9, 2008

Heres a few pix from my phone/cam
