Snowballs, Cars and Cops
One of many adventurous winter night spent running around with Paul, Perz and a few others. We decided as we did on most wintry nights in the region to throw a few snowballs at cars cruising by 45Th and Grant. Well as luck would have it on that particular night something happened we hadn't planned on. The cops were also cruising 45Th and Grant. We followed the same routine each night. Pack enough snowballs to quickly bombard the group of cars going through the light. We had a pretty good system of lookouts, bombardiers and escape routes. We usually got away without even running far enough to have to catch our breath. This particular night we were not paying close enough attention and some young guys we bombed the previous night came back prepared to stop and pursue quickly. And I mean quickly. We ran and they chased and we ran some more and they chased some more and all the while a second set of headlights pursued in unison with the young guys on foot and in the car. Well we had some close calls in the past and we really did have the advantage. I mean we had been doing this for years. We knew all the escape routes like the back of our hands. This was our hood, you know what I’m sayin! The one thing we had not taken into consideration was the they had the cops included in their plan. Well to make a long story short, Perz, Roger and Steve were able to out run them and get back to a safe place. After they focused the pursuit on me, Paul ran through the frozen swamp, he fell through a few times (remember he was a little husky back then) but eventually walked frozen, through the cat tails, ducked into a large sewer pipe and made it home safe. I however was not so lucky. I ran as fast and as far as I could (remember I was a little husky back then also) till I was just to tired to run any further. Lake County Sheriff coming from one direction and the young, fast smart guys from the other. I did however have just enough energy and focus of mind to come up with a story. Would you expect anything less. After all this is just a younger version of Slim Shady alias BS Johnny and I don’t mean Blessed Sacrament. I just slowed down and began to jog. When the cops pulled up and the young, fast smart guys had me cornered at the end of Melinda Nicksic's street I played dumb to the whole thing and told them with most sincere look I could muster between gasps for air, that I was out jogging. You know, the wrong place at the wrong time. A case of mistaken identity. They gobbled it up hook, line and sinker. Of course they decided to give me a ride home and see what my dad thought of my story. Just in case I was trying to pull a fast one. Lucky for me he was on 3 to 11’s that week. My Grandma never did tell my dad. I never even came close to getting caught again, for fear of what might happen if he was home the next time the cops brought me home from jogging. The moral of this story. And feel free to share this with your kids in case they should ever need some direction in matters of this kind. Don’t follow your husky buddy, follow one of the fast guys who lives in the neighborhood your throwing snowballs at cars in!!! Oh and always, always be prepared to look the cops or any one else in a position of authority straight in the eyes and lie!!! It really does work. I'm living proof of that.
Side Note: Mr. Zagar, forgive the grammatical errors. I felt as doe day added a bit of da region to da story. You know what I’m sayin!!!
All is forgiven on the grammar, Johnny Boy.
By the way, I have a boyhood story akin to yours. And just a little insert here--at that age, you JUST DON'T THINK!!!! Just yesterday at my school-Pierce Middle in Merrillville--some 7th or 8th grade boy threw an apple across the cafeteria and bopped one of my two library clerks in the noggin. She had a super headache and had to go home. She wears glasses and didn't have them on. She could have been hit in the eye. My dad was a ladle craneman at Inland Steel--big bucks carrying molten metal--but lost his eye at age 43 and was yanked from his job by the safety department. I also have a totally blind dog whom I rescued 11 years ago so I am VERY TOUCHY about eye accidents.
Anyway, I digress. My misdeed--and, again, no harm was ever intended (is it ever at that age, save by the most malicious of youths?)--was to throw snowballs at passing cars from between the very narrow (40 inches) confines of the space between my house and the home next door (this is cramped East Chicago, mind you). Well, because my line of sight was so limited, I had to rely more on the sense of hearing. I heard a car drive by and lo and behold, just as I released the spherical white projectile, I realized that not only was it a COP CAR, but for whatever reason (wifey didn't want his clothes to smell like smoke?) the guy HAD HIS WINDOW ROLLED DOWN! And, YES, I hit him square in the face! Was this guy ticked? You betcha. I ran real fast into the alley and I could hear his car buzzing up and down in hot pursuit. Back in those days--1950's--lots of people who didn't have garages had what we called sheds or shacks at the alley end of their property. I dodged into a shack and stayed there God-knows-how-long. Totally freaked that I would get caught and my dad would nail me.
To my relief, I never got caught. I also never tossed a snowball at a car again. And to add to your advice to folks with kids, I urge people to NEVER throw anything at anyone, because even though, in my case, I was trying to hit an OBJECT (car), I ended up hitting someone in the face--that had to be a shocking experience for him--and he could have lost control, swerved into another car, damaged his eye, whatever. Not good, not good.
I DO (or did, in Boy Scouts) love to hit targets, like in archery or shooting rifles at targets. So if you need to (in the words of the Rolling Stones) get your ya-ya's out, throw your snowballs at a SNOWMAN (or snowwoman).
Ted Zagar
Always the teacher Mr. Zagar.
A lesson to be learned in everything.
I was the driver in my VW when my girlfriends jumped out of my car and threw eggs at a house.
I took off like a bat out of hell and was chased by the cops. My friends led me to a dead end and we got caught.
Later that evening the father of the family we egged had a heart attack and was hospitalized for days.
I was in big trouble, especially with my dad being a cop.
Fortunatly my friend admitted that I didn't know what was going on and I was let off the hook, but my dad ... oh boy.
Wow Beth, that is sobering. We never thought about stuff like that. All we thought of was fun.
I remember that night Johnny was talking about. The cops came down the street with their spot lights panning back and forth with their loud speaker,"this is the police, give yourselves up, resistance is futile."
Jerry, I went to confession after the episode and Father Lou said, Dear, you are a child of God, he expects his children to miss behave.You are for given and for your penance 2 rosaries and an act of contrition.
Well he took some of the guilt away but I was in church for quite awhile getting through the rosary 2x..
I knew there was a punishment in there somewhere.
There must be something magical for the male gender when it comes to throwing snowballs at night time toward moving targets. I also have a story. One dark and cold wintry night Mark Schwinn and Harry Rodriguez were throwing snowballs at cars and they too had the miss fortune of hitting a police car. The Officers gave pursuit, caught them, and brought them home. Home to their wives!!!
Yes, they were married and with children!! It's just a guess but I bet that they would have rather faced their fathers?!?
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At that age there must have been alcoholic beverages involved. Many alcoholic beverages. At what age did Mark begin to grow up? Or is he like me, still fighting the battle? Harley Davidson, earing and all. Does Mark still have a thing for fast cars? My grand kids got me a book for my 49th birthday, titled Why Grandpa rides a Harley. Still a big kid at heart. Looking forward to seeing you all!!!
P.S. I remember Mr. Schwinn and nights on the boat in Burns ditch. I'm not sure Mark would have wanted to face his dad instead of you. Big R had a bit of a temper as I recall.
Yes, Rupert could be very scarry at times and you are also correct in assuming that alchol may have been involved.
Mark does still enjoy fast cars. He has a little roadster that I will only go on drives with him if I know his intended route ahead of time. There are some roads that he just can't help himself (so he says) from trying to break the sound barrier!!
Looking forward to a great weekend.
(To the song, "Jim Dandy To the Rescue" by Black Oak Arkansas)
"Slim shady to the rescue,
slim shady to the re-eh-eh-scue, slim shady to the rescue,
go slim shady, go slim shady!"
Just to make a comment about this story Blanched told with Harry Rodriguez and I one night throwing snoww balls at cars, at night on 61st ave. Right accross the street from the middle school. When that snowball hit that car it was beautiful thing. Next thing we knew this guy slams on his brakes and jumps out of the car and came after us. Now, this was an unmarked squad car so we were clueless. After about three property lines of running full speed in 8 inches of snow......we heard this crazy guy chasing us yell....STOP ITS THE POLICE!!... Harry and I came to a immidiate stop. You should have seen that cops face when we turned around to face im and he saw two guys with beards standing there. He actually took about three steps back before he ask us what the hell we were doing. Oh yes.
Some boys just never grow up!!!
I can just imagine Blanche's face when the cops came to the door. How embarrassing.
I remember the first time I got the phone call that the police would like me to come down to the police station to thieve my son.
Apparently him and 2 buddies stole one of the guys dad's truck.
I walk in see my son at the ripe age of 14 with handcuff on. It sicken my stomach.
Then I wanted to yell at the dad for calling the cops on them.
The punishment was no license for life.
What was Mark's punishment???
Beth, there was no punishment. I've never been napped. I have escape the law to this day. Am I lucky? OH YA!! Smart dealing with with my actions? That's why I'm still a free man. Professional? YEP!
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