Silent Auction Info:
Chris and Beth asked me to help out with the Silent Auction that we will be having on Sat. night to raise money for the retired sisters. I had the pleasure of speaking with Sister Gabriel about the good work that the nuns continue to do. She sounded just as kind and sweet as I remember she was as our first grade teacher in 1964! I am sure many of you have fond memories of her, too. She assured me that the money we raise will contribute to the lovely and noble work that the Chicago Franciscan Sisters of Chicago and the Madonna Foundation are involved in, including caring for the retired nuns and also for the sick, the elderly, the young and the poor in the urban Chicago community. Of course, they can use financial help, so if you’d like to contribute and also be part of the fun and excitement of an auction, please bring your checkbook to the dinner Sat. night. (A check will be easier for both parties for tax purposes.) If you have something to donate, it is not too late to bring it Friday or Sat. The Franciscan Sisters of Chicago and The Madonna Foundation are considered "not-for-profit" (501.c.3) corporations in Illinois. Your contributions are tax deductible. All contributions will be acknowledged in writing for tax reporting purposes.
If you’d like to learn more about the Franciscan Sisters of Chicago and their charitable works, see their web site at:
Franciscan Sisters of Chicago:
The Madonna Foundation:
Sister Gabriel said she'd love to receive a note and photos from any of us!
Her address is:
Sister Gabriel Lazarski
Madonna Convent
3115 North Karlov Ave.
Chicago IL 60641
Peggy, Great post. Sister Gabriel was special. She was different from the others. She was calmer, gentler, sweeter. What a shock to go from her to Sr.Theodore, WOW !!!
You got that right Jerry!!! From Heaven to Hell.
Debbie, You know what I'm talkin' 'bout.
Sister Gabriel was a true angel for our first grade experience...she embodied what a true nun should be...
I say............ Amen, Alleluia to that!!!
If I were a nun, I'd want to be like Sister Gabriel.
I,m sure all yhe nuns tried to do the best they could, including Sister T. We really are a product of the environment we grow up in. Some people just react differently to a similar situation. I for one do remember a side of Sister Theodore that showed a great deal of pain in her past and love for the students she tried to help. I hope everyone will remember all the nuns that tried to help us and give what they can. I,m sure that is what God would like from us all.
Well everyone, in the beginning of this blog the writing seemed to be about NUN BASHING and now we have come full circle.
I detect some healing here!!
Just like many people that walk this earth everyone has a bad day.
I couldn't imagine being a nun and living the life they live.
I'm sure they feel that there life was and is full filled, but my life wouldn't have been complete without my children.
So we were there children...
That was a different time.
Parents would spank there children and get away with it and if you were bad at school you got spanked and then went home and got more.
What did we learn from the abuse??
We learned to be stronger.
We learned about respecting others
Like Mr.& and so.
We also learned to be sneaky and get away with it, what a reward that was.
But most of all we learned to get along with everyone.
Which is so different today.
Kids today seem to be mad at the world. They're so stuck on TV, TV games and them self that they don't see that there is a bigger place out there.
I feel that our generation is very balanced.
We watched the world open up in front of our own eyes.
We went from Sheltered to free Love.
So I think that we were able to absorb more because of the sheltered world we were in.
We know how to hate, and we also know how to forgive.
This weekend is the proof.
I am looking so forward to seeing all of you and sharing in the laughter, I hope you enjoy what we have in store for you and come with love in your hearts because I couldn't feel any thing else in mine.
See you tonight
Johnny and Beth, What you 2 say is so true. I know the nuns loved us and treated us like their own kids. Back then it was ok to wack your kids. I think kids were more respectful back then. We did learn to be sneaky. Today's kids are "in yer face" and they don't care. We were afraid to get caught, but now kids don't seem to be as much.
I don't regret going to Blessed Sacrament, I'm proud of it.
I wear it like a badge of honor.
Jerry, I studied the reincarnational processes some years back and if you REALLY want to be a nun like Sister Gabriel in your next go round, I'll send you some cheat sheets. :)
"They showed you a statue, told you to pray
They built you a temple and locked you away
But they never told you the price you would pay
For the things that you might have done
Only the good die young."
Billy Joel
I concur with what most of you say. Sr. Gabriel was indeed a very sweet lady. She was always kind to me and to the children, so in this way she assumed a truly Christian character. I am pleased to hear that you have contact with her, and please offer her my kind regards.
Sr. Theodore was a gruff sort of person, but in all my interactions with her I respected her innate kindness. She was definitely old school, so she did not "suffer" her children to be anything but what she expected. Sometimes this came across as mean-spirited, but indeed it was not.
I am not aware that this order of nuns is anything but poor--correct me if I am wrong, but to my knowledge they own hospitals and rest homes that are not by any means inexpensive places to live.
My aunt lived many last years of her life in St. Anthony's home in Crown Point, and it was a very expensive place to live out one's days. At that time it was owned (As was the hospital) by these nuns. I presume they still own the place, but I am not sure.
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