100 Friends are coming, WOW!!!
Wow!! Can you believe this???
This has been like a slow walk up a mountain but we are reaching the top.
The many strings are now coming together and it looks like all of our plans will make this a very memorable night.
Don't for get your camera's, and pictures that you didn't get to put on the blog.
Be ready to laugh a lot and maybe some tears and remember to bring your hearts of true friendship.
See you soon.
We've all taken different paths, we all hold different views and beliefs, but at one point, we were all together in the same place, at the same time. (Wow, do you believe it took me 10 minutes to come up with that?)
Jerry, that is such a true and powerful statement. Some of us were close to one another and some of us merely sat next to each other, but when it all comes down to it we had gone thru 8 of the most care free years of our life. It wasn't so bad after all!!! Thats why we will all come together this weekend...to get that feeling back again!
10 whole minutes Jerry???
I said to Chris last night.
9 months ago we started this project and now it is about time for this baby to arrive.
And it's name is BS Reunion,!!!
Can you believe this????
Debbie, You are so right. Some of us just sat next to each other and hardly spoke to each other thru the years but some of us were together for 8 years. I feel like you guys are my family. I've probably spoken to some of you more thru this blog than thru all those years.
Wow....I always knew...if they built it...(Chris and Beth)...they would come...we all shared a very unique experience which bonded us together for life...regardless of how long it has been since we've seen one another...I am so excited to see everyone...
Well put Debbie, well put !!
The very word "reunion" evokes the process of regaining "union" or "unity." Oneness.
There may be states (like water can be steam, ice, slush, etc) of being, some dense and clumsy (like toting a mortal body around and forgetting that death isn't what it appears but is rather the vehicle breaking down--so, hey, you walk/fly away and carry on!)--whereas some states are light, ethereal and make it easier to know and live the oneness that is the real reality.
What we often buy into is the illusion, the lie, the falsehood that everything is unrelated, that we can do things and it doesn't affect us. The Great Disconnect. How else can humans wage endless generational wars, kill the like in the streams and skies, etc.?
We go through life trying to "get over," trying to get that edge, that advantage. Yet you see penniless, simple, humble souls like Mother Teresa or Gandhi giving their all to those who they surely must know are in no material position to "reward" them for their charity. Surely on some level people like that see, breathe, live the Unity, for they give their all and expect nothing in return.
I took part in several "Re-UNIONS" as an organizer and trust me, there is REAL VALUE in attaining ANY sense of oneness with anyone or anything that you once thought was an extention of yourself.
Life is a river that never ceases to flow, bringing us an endless rush of new faces and places and events. (Have you read "Siddhartha" by Herman Hesse?) Yet, it is all "water," but just in different states.
If you fail to see in both the poor man and the wealthy woman (or your cat or dog or the bird who chirps hello as you walk out the door into the openness) your own self, then UNION, the Oneness is lacking. The main purpose of life is to find and LIVE that oneness.
Joshua/Jesus asked what good it does a man who gains the riches of the world, but who loses his soul in the process? The real treasures in this life are those people, places and events that can bring you closer to the altar of ONENESS, the spiritual place, where form, color, and other sensations fall to the ground, useless, for in that very special place where this monkey we each drag around cannot enter there is, finally, a sense of completion, of being no longer a piece of the puzzle waiting its turn to be placed into the Grand Scheme of Things.
Yes, reunions come and go, and we go back to the routines of our individual lives. But we can also take a class reunion--or really ANY moment of ANY day--and look hard and deep within for that ONENESS. For that TRUE reUNION.
It's there. You just have to look.
This reunion will be different things to different people. Aside from that, may it--even for an instant--bring you into the oneness of union/unity.
. . . or not.
Go, Slim Shadeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!
Good seeing you last night, Johnny boy!
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