Blessed Sacrament Reunion

Welcome...This blog site was created to provide a forum for Blessed Sacrament Alumni to reconnect and share memories. It's our hope that reliving the laughter and recalling the antics can bring us all back to a time when life was so much less complicated!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Jogging your memories

Here are a few hints from your memory pages on the events that took place at BS.

A class room with 64 students, oh my!
Who was Santa Clause, he's a perfect fit with those twinkly eyes and that smile of his. Who got stuck in the box? class of 71
Cafeteria Food, yummmm!Were there any food fights?
Who got a grand slam home run in CYO Baseball, class of 72??
Science Fair, I did the eye, not so good.
Who was in the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, DC trip, do tell? Wow totally forgot about that.
Many comments about those romantic late night bus rides.....Hummmm!
Who was your boyfriend or girlfriend in grade school? I'm not telling!!!
Bugs in the pencil pouch class of 73?
Who were the members of the band in class of '70?
Someone had Christmas ornaments hung on them at the Christmas play class of 73?
Favorite after school TV show? Mine was DARK SHADOWS...ERIE!!!!
Who defaced the school building? Class of 71, do tell???

Who did we save our pennies for?

If you can elaborate on these memories I will let you go first in the lunch line.


Blogger Beth said...

Look at this... no comments on any of the subjects.
I'm beginning to worry about the other classes, has dementia set in???

May 4, 2008 at 9:24 AM  
Blogger Debbie Williams (Maxin)72 said...

I remember us getting those little boxes to put our pennies in for Unicef wasn't it? I also remember saving pennies for the penny candy table set out in the hallway when we were in 1st/2nd grade.....does anyone else remember that? I think they got rid of that after they noticed how hyper we were after our purchases.

May 4, 2008 at 11:50 AM  
Blogger Debbie Walton 1972 said...

Oh my God I remember Dark Shadows...I remember running off the bus to watch it every week day!!! I just loved Dark Shadows...have you seen it on TV Land??? It's so lame now with all the special effects that are used nowadays and I used to think it was the bomb...:)

May 4, 2008 at 7:42 PM  
Blogger paul euvino said...

Greetings from Paul Euvino - class of 73. Just a few random memories. First grade - Sister georgine. I believe we disected an earthworm. in third grade Sister Therea dies. She was shown in Church - which was strange going to Church with her body there. Remember a teacher named Miss Bobal. I think she married while we were in school to a Veneziano. We took a field trip to see Poseidon Adventure. In 7th or 8th grade we took a trip to Turkey Run State Park. As I crossed the Suspension Bridge there, I remember Debbie Rettig standing at the end of the bridge. Strange thing is - I now live only 22 miles from the park. Looking at the class pictured brought back many memories and names I had forgotten. In 5th grade, the class went to Misses Voller' s home to learn to sing Oh Tannenbaum and to learn a German dance we performed at a PTA meeting. 8th grade - lunch time learning guitar from Mike Terzich. Around 3rd grade we had singing classes with Sister Eymard. We always did the song about the Erie Canal. Lots of great memories. Even though I was an altar boy, I spent most Masses doing the readings with ( I believe - Alice White ). Whenever we did a field trip to Chicago I always got a headache from Joyce Ciskowitz leading everyone in 99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall. See you at the reunion. Paul Euvino

May 8, 2008 at 4:17 AM  
Blogger Paula Walton said...

Earl Westforth kept bugs in a pencil pouch and they weren't always dead. I thought it was really gross but in that fascinatingly gross way. You don't want to look but you have to look kind of thing.

May 8, 2008 at 7:24 PM  
Blogger moodyblues said...

Paul's recollection of the field trip to see POSEIDON ADVENTURE brings to my mind a tragedy that still haunts me.

I took some of my BS kids to the now-closed theater on Ridge Road 1/2 block east of Broadway (the Glen?). We went to see "Kon-Tiki," based upon a book by Thor Hyderdaal (sp) regarding his travels across great stretches of ocean in primitive boats to prove that the ancients could have made intercontinental trips during the B.C. era.

This was not a trip DURING the school day, but rather, as my clouded memory conjures, an evening thing and I don't think a lot of kids (that is, the full class or classes) attended. Anyone recall this jaunt?

Afterwards I went home and around midnight my sister who lived in Chicago--but who sometimes came home for the weekend--crashed through the front door, crying hysterically, "Alan's dead, Alan's dead!" Her on-and-off-again boyfriend of 5-6 years had overdosed on heroin. We were all shocked because Alan--like many in that day--"only" used marijuana. However, his most recent falling out with my sister exceeded the usual few weeks-month breakup (it was more like 1/2 year or so) and he fell in with a very nasty group of people, obviously.

Bottom line, whereas I should have been the best man for this really nice, fun 28-year old man, I was his pall bearer. Very sad.

So a simple field trip with a few of my BS students is entwined in one of my saddest days--Alan was a good friend, even during the frequent break-up periods that he and my sister endured. He was a southern boy whom my sister met in Florida. I'll always remember his mom and little brother--maybe the age of my BS students or younger--coming up for the funeral. What a hell for mom and brother.

JUST SAY NO!!!!!!!!

Ted Z

May 9, 2008 at 1:06 AM  
Blogger blanche marie said...

Class of 71, field trip to the musuem of Science & Industry. Who ditched their chaparone, left the buiilding, and went across the street to the aquarium?

May 9, 2008 at 3:29 AM  
Blogger mark schwinn said...

There as never a class with 64 students. To my knowledge our class of 71 was the largest in one room. We were 55 students.

May 9, 2008 at 12:23 PM  
Blogger mark schwinn said...

Hey Beth. How do you post a new topic on this blog. I can't figure it out.

May 9, 2008 at 12:55 PM  
Blogger mark schwinn said...

I remember the trip to the museum of Science & Industry as 8th graders. What a day that was. Zak Bosko and I spent the day ditching our chaparone. Not to mention the NUN was loking for us all day also. You would be surprised at how hard it was to hide all day even in a place that big. The hi-lite of the day was when the NUN has us both cornered in the little news stand area. Zak and I picked up some newspapers and put them over our faces as if we were reading them. We acually thought the NUN wouldn't know it was us. BUSTED! No problem. 10 minutes later we were gone again. That was life then.

May 9, 2008 at 1:11 PM  

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