Blessed Sacrament Reunion

Welcome...This blog site was created to provide a forum for Blessed Sacrament Alumni to reconnect and share memories. It's our hope that reliving the laughter and recalling the antics can bring us all back to a time when life was so much less complicated!

Friday, April 11, 2008

gas explosions

My memories of the gas explosions are sketchy at best. I do remember going out for a fire drill that lasted FOREVER, the next thing I knew we were all going home. Most of the evacuations were on the Glen Park side. The school secretary, Mrs. Tomondi, suffered the loss of her home on 47th Ave. I think I was in 6th grade. For whatever reason I remember it was during the time the school was deciding about getting new uniforms!


Blogger Rose said...

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April 12, 2008 at 11:08 AM  
Blogger Rose said...

Cheryl, I do remember the gas explosions. I will never forget that day!! It was so scarey!! We really did not know what was happening until we got home and heard about the explosions. I remember the Tomindie's house being invloved. This was an important memory of our lives growing up at BS.

April 12, 2008 at 11:14 AM  
Blogger Debbie Walton 1972 said...

I remember the gas explosions it was scary!!! I remember they loaded us in buses and we had to sit and wait while hearing sirens, etc. Some kids parents picked them was a terrible thing to happen!

April 13, 2008 at 11:53 PM  
Blogger Jerry "Zed" Persley said...

I lived on 45th & Garfield and we rode our bikes over to observe. It was like a war zone. Barracks blocking streets, fire trucks and police cars were everywhere. Dozens of hoses from the fire trucks lay across street after street. Every other block had an exploded house on it. The Red Cross was there passing out food. TV crews and reporters, the Civil Service, cops, firemen, good Samaritans, young and old, it was near chaos. Everyone wondering which house was next.

May 14, 2008 at 5:01 AM  

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