Blessed Sacrament Reunion

Welcome...This blog site was created to provide a forum for Blessed Sacrament Alumni to reconnect and share memories. It's our hope that reliving the laughter and recalling the antics can bring us all back to a time when life was so much less complicated!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Remember the art teacher....

Yes, does everyone remember Mr. Gildamontes(I'm really not sure how to spell it correctly...but you can pronounce it.) Remember how weird he was? He would give us an assignment and then leave the room and then come back later to check out our work. I remember the girls with long hair in the class...he would play with their hair as he was commenting on the work, etc. Well...come to find out...years later...he was going into the teacher's lounge and smoking that wacky tobacco...when the nuns questioned him about the smell he said they were imported Cuban would the nuns know??? I think that explains alot...:)


Blogger Dave Wasil said...

Wasn't he the teacher who made the paper mache nativity scene? Didn't he allow us to create a snow elephant and color it with dye? I think he sent a bird I drew to some art contest. I'm sure he left my hair alone.

March 17, 2008 at 9:02 PM  
Blogger craig bristow said...

I remember reading in the papaer about 20 years ago Mr Gildamontez getting busted for drugs, I think it was pot

March 19, 2008 at 2:33 PM  
Blogger Jerry "Zed" Persley said...

That's too funny that he was actually smoking pot at school. Does any one remember the "nude"woman painting he did that was hidden in the corner ?
He also used to ride his bicycle with a German Shepard leashed to the handle bars.

March 19, 2008 at 5:33 PM  
Blogger Chris Colle '72 said...

I remember (must have been late 70's early 80's)seeing him on the Chicago news. Some drug bust in Hammond..they were escorting him to the squad car, and he was covering his face. Can you picture it! I remember sitting there god, that was our art teacher!!! And Jerry, about the nude painting...he had a lot of those. A few of us took private art lessons at his home and the house was loaded with huge nude paintings..thinking they were of his wife. You'd think he would have considered removing them before these "young, impressionable" 12 year old catholic children filed through his front door! House probably smelled of incense...patchouli, no doubt! ha
One other thing...It seems paper mache' was about all he ever assigned in art class...maybe balloons, old newspaper, flour, water and glue were all the budget allowed!
If he really was smoking something other than those "wacky" cuban cigars in the teacher's lounge...perhaps -that- explains the fondling the girls hair thing!...ewww

March 21, 2008 at 1:54 PM  
Blogger Debbie Williams (Maxin)72 said...

Did anyone else take "art lessons" on Saturday morning? I remember painting on canvas a white mouse on a black and red checkered background. I remember Mr Gildamontez staring at it for the longest time and saying WOW. Now I know why!

March 25, 2008 at 6:59 PM  
Blogger sunpup said...

Just to give you a bit more information I have to tell you that Mr. Gil de Montes used to bring his "tonic" in the form of cookies. The pot would be cooked into hashish and incorporated into the cookie dough.
Actually, I liked him a lot, and I never knew what happened to him until Chris made her comment. I never knew him to be a big "druggie" and I never knew he sold the stuff.
We were very different people, but he and his wife Diana were very kind to me inviting me to their home for dinner at times.
Oh, in case you are all wondering, no, I never ate the cookies! :)

March 27, 2008 at 5:14 PM  
Blogger Beth said...

Mr. Vlasic,tisk tisk, your generation is always saying "I tried it but didn't inhale.....".

You were my first male teacher and I was intimidated just by the presence of you.
But when you called me LOVE I was in awe of you.

I never experience the paddle or any other form of physical torcher from the teachers at BS. But there was a lot of mental torcher that I received from the nuns.

My skirt was to short, my hair was to blond. Geesh!!!!!!!!

You've mentioned that the nuns had bad days as well with each other.

Please fill us in on some of that, it's nice to know that they were human too.

March 28, 2008 at 3:07 PM  
Blogger sunpup said...

Beth asks me to make some comments about the nuns. That would take a long time, indeed!
For the most part I got along with them extremely well. Some of them were sweet and young, others were tough old birds.
Sr. Theodore was tough with students and sometimes did some rather questionable things like dragging a girl out of the restroom and back to class with the comment, "She's spending too much time with the looking-glass".
I missed her when she retired, as we both respected one another, and she did have a basic heart of gold. I also remember her dragging Kathy S. out of class one day for not having a uniform. Kathy returned to class with a nasty wrinkled uniform Sr. T found and dressed her with.
One episode was particularly bad, and was part of my reason for leaving. Two younger nuns, Gale (Gr VII) and Christa Marie (Gr. VIII) were usually at odds with the older gals.
One day, Gale made the mistake of discussing having children--a subject brough up by a student. She had answered that, yes, if not a nun, she would have children. This got back to some parent who called the school. In the course of events a few days later Gale was removed from class (with the children present) by a contingent of old Kunnegunda (sp?) nuns who had come to take her away. We all watched incredulously as she was marched away gestapo-style out of the building to a waiting car never to return. Can anyone remember that? Gale and Christa Marie soon left the order--can you blame them?

March 29, 2008 at 1:39 PM  
Blogger Rose said...

Hi Craig, Do you remember bumbing into each other in Hobart in the Farm Bureau's Insurance parking lot? I had both of my daughter's who at the time were very young. I have to say it was around 1995. We have not seen each other since grade school. You gave me a kiss on the cheek and we both hugged each other. Talked a little bit and we told each other it was nice seeing one another. My little girl Kimberly who was 4 at the time went home and told my husband when he got home from work that mommy got kissed by a man today!!!! After I explained what happened everything was ok. Kids you gotta love them!!

April 29, 2008 at 5:48 PM  

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