Blessed Sacrament Reunion
Welcome...This blog site was created to provide a forum for Blessed Sacrament Alumni to reconnect and share memories. It's our hope that reliving the laughter and recalling the antics can bring us all back to a time when life was so much less complicated!
Who can identify those people???
They were people from classes way above 72. HELP!!!!!!!!
Thanks Mr. Vlasic for those photo's.
Does anyone remember that Mr. Vlasic was the school photographer?
The first three photos are of the class of 1968. The photos were taken during an 8th grade trip to Washington D.C. I can remember most of the people since my brother Dennis was in this class. The last two are of the class of 1969. I will work on some of the names and post them later.
Yes, that is Joe Hook in the cave photo. He came along with us. The first nun is Sr. Gale. I can't remember the other nun's name, but she did teach a lower grade (like III or IV) so someone should know her. The man on the far right is Jack Westforth, our bus driver. His kids attended BS, and he had a gun shop near the school.
Thanks for helping us out Garry and who is rav????
We will be expecting names of the students and then you can go and play your music in the gym.
Mr. Hook!!!!!! Wow that's a name I forgot. Remember that stuff he poured over the puke when kids would puke in the halls? Gross!!!!! And Mr. Westforth I forgot he was a bus driver.
Okay...Here you go. This is the best I can do. Maybe someone else can fill in the gaps.
Third Photo from the top.
Class of 1968 washington D.C. 8th grade field trip.
First (Bottom) Row Left to Right
Mr. Hook, Sister Magdellan, John Bernard, John Matovina, Don't Know, Kathy Meschede, Don't Know, Don't Know, Mr. Vlasic, Can't Remember, Mr. Westforth
Second Row L to R
Don't Know, Tom(?)Slama, Debbie Bitner, Don't Know, Don't Know This Man, Steve Euvino, (?)Traicoff, Don't Know, (?) Argenta
Third Row L to R
Kevin Klodzen, Tom Kairns, Dan Smith, Janine(?)Marker, Mary Ellen Geras, (?) Einikis, Don't Know, Looks Familiar I Forgot
Fourth Row L to R
Ray Krecji, Bill Mager, Bill Zajdel, Jerry Vahary, Kiki Medved, Don't Know, Ed Badylak, Don't Know
Top Row L to R
Jeff Kenney, Tom Bortalini, Tom Kaminski, Mark Starkey, Butch Appel, Chris Cogis, Dennis Aloia, Don't Know
Last Photo Outside of School
Class of 1969
First Row (Bottom Kneeling) Left to Right
Karen Jones, Don't Know, Debbie Gibbs, Christine(?)Krecji, Can't Remember, Can't Remember, Can't Remember, Desiree Cooke, Don't Know, Richard Lara, Jaimie (?), Michael Gilinski, (?)Torres, Pat Tarkeley, Rich Janusaitis, Ted Itin
Top Row L to R
Paulette Lafata, Debbie Lynch, Don't Know, Chris Hrabota, Don't Know, Looks Familiar, Linda Hac, Don't Know, Don't Know, Forgot, Don't Know, Andrea Kopil, Nancy Westforth, Can't Remember (but he was the biggest guy in the school, Can't Remember, Greg Pelot, Dave Smith, Debbie (?), Can't remember, Missy Underwood, Rob Ewing, Scott Ferguson, Steve Gora, Mitch Gilinski, Don't Know
Beth, My guess for who is RAV is Mr. Richard ? Vlasic
Thank you Garry for jogging that memory of yours.
If there is anyone that can fill in the blanks feel free to do it.
Jerry you are right, that is Richard A. Vlasik.
I have one addition to the class of 1969 photo. In the top row standing 6th from the left is Pam Mahalick. If you read this...sorry Pam...dimentia. Also, a correction to the 1968 class photo I believe it is Jerry Slama not Tom.
With the help of my bother Dennis (Class of 1968 & in the photos)I think I have most of the names now for the third photo from the top. Once again it's the class of 1968 on their 8th grade Washington D.C. trip.
Bottom row L to R
Mr. Hook, Sister Madallen,John Bernard, John Matovina,Randy Mahalik,Kathy Meschede,Still don't know this guy,Joanne Piazza,Mr. Vlasic,Sister?,Mr. Westforth
Second Row L to R
Still don't know,Jim Slama,Debbie Bitner,Sandra Monti,Don't know the man,Steve Euvino,Marie Traicoff,Cheryl Lacy,Toni Argenta
Third Row L to R
Kevin Klodzen,Tom Kairns,Dan Smith,Janine Marker,Mary Ellen Geras,Darlene Einikis,Don't know her,Ann Reba
Fourth Row L to R
Joe Kohrel,Bill Mager,Bill Zajdel,Jerry Vahary,Kitty Medveds,Marlene Beres,Ed Badylak,Randy ?
Fifth (Top) Row L to R
Jeff Kenney,Ted Bortolini,Mike Kaminski,Mark Starkey,Butch Appel,Chris Cogis,Dennis Aloia,Jerry Bilski
Anyone feel free to correct spelling or fill in the last few names.
Garry's got a great memory (I always remember him as sharp and clever! :)) for all the names he can recall on the cave photo.
I can name a few of the others, but I am surprised that nobody picked out Blessed Sacrament's assistant pastor, Joe Sedlak.
He's the man in the centre of row 2 next to Steve Euvino.
He was quite an interesting guy, bright, but not really cut out for the job he was doing. I remember him going around relating with the kids, so I wonder if any of you can remember him.
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