Blessed Sacrament Reunion
Welcome...This blog site was created to provide a forum for Blessed Sacrament Alumni to reconnect and share memories. It's our hope that reliving the laughter and recalling the antics can bring us all back to a time when life was so much less complicated!
I've heard some scary stories about that nun, is that a goatee around her mouth area?
I think I know someone that will look great in the nun's habit for the reunion. I wonder where I can get one of those, hummmm???
She scares me just by looking at her. Jerry tells us we used to call her bulldog. I wonder why?? We wanted to run from her but knew if we did we would get slugged in the back from her. She would hit us hard!! OUCH!
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Look at poor Paula she looks petrified just taking a picture with Sr. Theodore. That nun you never saw her smile,but she is smiling in that picture! Beth, I don't think that is a goatee. I think it is the glare on the photo. If anyone begs the difference with me who can recall Sr. Theodore having facial hair let us know. I could be mistaken. Beth, you were one of the lucky ones who never encountered Sr. Theodore. We were lucky to come out of that class semi ok. That's the truth!!
For some reason, I missed out on having Sr. Theodore as a teacher. (May have been the split-class situation in the 2nd grade) At any rate, a most vivid memory of Sister Theodore was of her storming towards us. Her figure in silhouette backlit by the sunlight coming through the double doors at the end of the hallway by the 1st and 2nd grade classrooms. Her short, stocky frame, her arms bent at the elbows quickly moving back and forth, and her waddle...can you picture it? Uggggh...and the nervousness of what she wanted…what she was going to do...what were we in trouble for now??? Talk about Fear that was our very own Reality TV with no eating spiders or running from snakes necessary!
ok, ok, I guess I'm going to have to blog back for this one. I thought that I was the only one who remembered Sr. Theodore slugging us in the back. She scared me to death but you know she is my most vivid memory of early life at BS. When she waddled down the hall she always reminded me of the I'm a little tea pot song.
I'm also glad to know that most of you from my class are 50 before me!!! I have till Sept. Ha Ha!!!!
Hi Rhonda...back then,(when we could hardly wait for our next birthday), if you felt as I did...being youngest of the group had its disadvantages. Being the last to turn ten (double digits were important, you know) being the last to get the driver's permit, the last to turn 18...oh and of course...worst of all...the last to turn 21!
Ahhh....but after that, and especially as we approach each new birthday milestone decade...being the -last- truly has its benefits!!! I am extremely happy to be hanging on to 49...I even have you beat by 2 months! So that must qualify for a Ha Ha Ha!
Oh, you 40 something year olds are so immature!!!!! haha
Well girls, I love being over 50.
Yes I'm over 50 and the numbers can just keep climbing. There is so much freedom as we get older.
Our kids are grown up, our payments to what ever can be reached now without feeling the stress of what our kids need.
And we are now old enough to go out without asking someone for permission.
And, And, I feel better now then I have ever felt in my life.
Well there are some down sides to it but it is up to you to take care of your self, of course there is the thought of body enhancements but I think we have a few more years to really consider those.
So take it from me girls 50 is fabulous.
Oh, Welcome aboard Rhonda, what took you so long??
What's been going on in your life?
Right Beth...50 is just a number...we act just as crazy as ever...we just don't care who sees us or hears us...we've earned every minute of being just ourselves..not trying to please anyone else...okay you 40 year olds you better catch up!!!
You are correct on that Debbie!! What are you 40 year olds afraid of!! Turning 50 is the best time of your life!! Come on 40 year olds your time is getting really close!! Remember to have fun turning 50 it only comes around once so enjoy yourselves!! Pretty soon you will see what us 50 years olds are talking about!!! Right girls!!!
Advantages of being 50 and over.
1. You know when to stop drinking and why you would want to. It's not worth the 2 days you loose out on fun.
2. You start sounding like your parents, experience is everything.
3.If your not going to accomplish what you want by 50, you know you have more time and money to get where you want to be.
4.It's ok to change your life.
5.You realize who is # 1
6. My favorite one is if you want to let it all hang out you can. Who really cares.
7. You can be who you really are and not play games anymore.
8. There are no more Rules.
Wouldn't you agree?
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