Blessed Sacrament Reunion

Welcome...This blog site was created to provide a forum for Blessed Sacrament Alumni to reconnect and share memories. It's our hope that reliving the laughter and recalling the antics can bring us all back to a time when life was so much less complicated!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The latest caper from Class of 72, naughty boys!!

I have recently been informed that a few boys from our class brought PLAY BOY MAGAZINES to school.
I pretty much know who the stinkers were and I want a confession from all....
They would hide them in there folders and pull them out when the nuns weren't looking.
I am also told that someone got caught... hummm who would that be????

I just don't understand how you guys would bring those naughty magazines to our class when you had such beauties sitting right next to you. HA!
So insulted... HA!

Do Tell Boys...


Blogger Debbie Walton 1972 said...

Hey Beth we weren't exactly air-brushed beauties were we....I see no one has owned up to the mags...maybe they were taken from someone's father's stash or sticky fingers played a part in obtaining them...although I think back then they were hid behind the counter and one had to ask for one...oh, well all boys go through that ritual....

April 24, 2008 at 2:43 PM  
Blogger Beth said...

Hi Debbie,
Jerry has confessed but he put it on the wrong post. There are 2 more to confess...
And you are probably right about them sealing them from there dad's.

When I worked at Ranburn Drugs the men had to ask for the play boy books how embarrassing for me.
But ...
I have to admit that I read some for past time reading and so did other girls when we were bored.hehehe!
Along with trying out every cigarette there.
If I remember right Hustler was requested more then Play Boy...

There's a little unknown secret.

April 24, 2008 at 5:10 PM  
Blogger Jerry "Zed" Persley said...

Actually, the books were visual aids for science class. We wanted to get good grades.

April 25, 2008 at 5:23 AM  
Blogger John "Slim Shady" Rydlewski said...

Since my attorney has assured me the statute of limitations have expired on the activities I orchestrated or took part in at BS so many years ago. As well as Beth Settle telling me the girls knew all about it. And now, Blanche Widelski Schwinn listing the incident in the blog, I guess I’ll fess up to the utility closet thing. It was an honest mistake, I swear! My brother and I were fortunate enough to have been invited to help Mr. Hook and the custodial crew clean and polish the facilities at the end of each year. Mini bike money for our early biker days. I did bye a Harley to relieve some of my midlife crisis symptoms, it worked, I’m still a lot less emotionally mature than my actual age. ADHD is the formal diagnosis for what was thought to be day dreaming back then is also a problem as you can see from my ramblings. Enough with the therapist’s so called diagnosis’s. Back to the original story. To my surprise, at the end of one of those wonderful summers, I was in possession of a master key. It opened everything but the safe in the priests sacristy. (I had the combination to that) I was always pleasantly surprised they never missed the missing wine. I guess it was watered down anyway. Oh back to the original story, again. I really had it made until the older boys found out and refused to pay for the privilege of climbing up the pipes to take a gander. Truthfully (and I know some of you find that word in total discord with the name Johnny Rydlewski) the view was very limited. The sound however came through that vent loud and clear. Both ways as Beth has informed me. That’s how we knew who was sweet on who before the gossip mongers had time to spread the word. It also worked quite well when the relationship soured. We could initiate the end of the affair first and save face with all the other boys. Yah, I’m done with her was the language usually used by the boy breaking off the steady action. I just told her I needed my ID bracelet back for the next girl standing in line. All the while showing a brave face until we were alone that night and cried our eyes out hoping there was someone in a line somewhere. My mind is really spinning now, seems like a million thought crossing at one time. I guess, I really should stay on a regular schedule with those medications. Later!!!

April 25, 2008 at 8:29 AM  
Blogger Beth said...

Johnny, after talking to you last night I thought "we girls always had one over you guys".
We had our own little church mouse keeping us posted on the latest caper the boys were up to. So we knew who was going to break up with us way before you knew who was going to break up with you.

You also seem to forget I lived in the house that you guys hung out at and I knew everything.

Cry your little hearts out, that was good Johnny.. Were you looking for some sympathy there.
Ok girls let's give the boys a little
Awwwwwww how cute...

I'm worried about those Ritalyn you are taking. They might be affecting you thought process even more then you realize.

April 25, 2008 at 1:28 PM  
Blogger Beth said...

Come on where are the others??
Okay, another hint??
One was kind of quite with blond hair and dimples. The other was Mr fitness.
Play Boy magazines hidden in there folders!?!

April 26, 2008 at 9:48 AM  
Blogger moodyblues said...

Hey, Johnny boy,

Good post. By the way, IF you were the naughty boy who chopped up a library book for the pics within (I'm glad you didn't use Playboy pics!) for one of my social studies projects on WW2, then just let me tell you why I probably didn't turn you over to the Library Police or to the top gun nun. You ALWAYS had that Johnny Boy Slim Shady GRIN even when someone was "correcting" you. In short, you were TOO charming to punish! Having said that, now you can toss your meds away--you just need lots of veggies and your CHARM and the rest will follow.

Ted Zagar

April 27, 2008 at 12:08 AM  
Blogger mark schwinn said...

Ok John "slim shady". there's no doubt that people are going to stretch the truth this many years later about things they did at bs however, I'm not going to let you take credit for one of the greatest capers in bs history. Listen up fellow classmates. The only Master Key ever taken and copies made was ME. The utility closet preveledge and those who weire allowed to "climb the pipes" was controled by myself and Zak Bosko. Anyone who knew me then (boys) knows that to be a fact. Thats not to say "slim shady" that we may have allowed you that special viewing preveledge because you were a friend and younger partner in crime. But this claim belongs to me baby. If Zak Bosko were to read what you wrote he'd be sending this message also. Beth was right when she said be careful what you write in these blogs. You don't know what can come back and bite you in the ass. See you soon Johnny. Remember. "The Schwinnster" is listening.

May 9, 2008 at 7:28 PM  
Blogger Beth said...

Mark, I do believe that Brian mentioned the master key caper to us at one of the meetings. And I talked to Zak recently and he mentioned this caper as well to me. Now there is one that has some stories to tell... Mark you need to call Zak and get him to the reunion... or maybe not.... I'm not sure about having you, Brian, Harry and Zak in the same room, something might explode or we could be raided by the cops....
Johnny, I suggest you get your brother Jim to back you up on this one.
See you soon,

May 11, 2008 at 12:11 PM  
Blogger Beth said...

Or Mark, could it be possible that you passed the Key to John sort of like pass the torch to the next class???
Or do you still have the key in your possession???

May 11, 2008 at 12:13 PM  
Blogger John "Slim Shady" Rydlewski said...

Now that The MASTER / The Schwinnster has taken claim to the throne. I’ll clarify my story. I never said where I got the idea or that I was the original deviate to devise such a sweet, sweet plan. I just said, I somehow ended up with a master key. When Mark and Zak graduated they wanted to much for THE KEY. So I just forgot to give the key back to Mr. Hook and Joe at the end of that summers clean up. The names of the characters involved in my story were not included to protect the innocent. (Blanche and Marks offspring) That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!!!
I thought it was important to include rules for future engagement.
Rule # 1. Never rat out your partners in crime!
Rule # 2. Never Bull Shit a MASTER Bull Shitter (“The Schwinnster") !
Rule # 3. Never let them see you sweat, stay cool, Slim and Shady! Well cool and shady anyway!

Side note: When I ran this response through the spell checker prior to it posting, it suggested Sphincter in place of Schwinnster! That’s a bit ironic wouldn’t you say Schwinnster!

May 12, 2008 at 9:56 AM  
Blogger mark schwinn said...

Good come back "slim shady". The weekend promises to be fun. See you there baby!!.

May 19, 2008 at 1:03 PM  

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