Blessed Sacrament Reunion

Welcome...This blog site was created to provide a forum for Blessed Sacrament Alumni to reconnect and share memories. It's our hope that reliving the laughter and recalling the antics can bring us all back to a time when life was so much less complicated!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Blessed Sacrament Update

Hello to all,

Working on this reunion has encouraged me to get facts straight.
So I wanted to know what the Status for Blessed Sacrament Church is.

Father Telis is the Priest there and he told me yesterday April 21st, that the Light House organization (Charter School) has bought the school and church, but that the church can be used for 10 years rent free. Great News. I had heard it was going to close this summer.

I have been there quite a few times this past year and found the congregation has shrunk to about 100 and that might be stretching it.
I love going to church there because of the connection and the Parents of class mates that have stayed. They are so happy to see a younger face and always say to me to bring my friends.
I've noticed the last few times that there are a couple of younger families going now and I hope that they will stay and help the church grow.
I live in Chesterton so it is not alway easy to go but I go when I can.

When they had the 60th Anniversary they were so happy to see that so many didn't forget the church and school and I think they were hoping that many would come back.

Father Telis is a wonderful Priest with a booming voice and a joke from time to time. He reminds me of Father Lou.

So those of you that might like to join me at Blessed Sacrament on May 25th for Sunday Mass I know that you will be more then welcome. Mass is at 10:00am.



Blogger Jerry "Zed" Persley said...

Great idea Beth, Lisa, Bradley (my grandson)and I will be there. I will make a strong effort to keep any of the boys of our class from crawling under the pews or throwing spit balls.

April 23, 2008 at 5:39 AM  
Blogger Beth said...

Thanks Jerry, I'm counting on you to keep the boys under control.
But I'm afraid that we had such an uncontrollable class that the urge might be to much to hold back. Ha!

April 23, 2008 at 10:05 AM  
Blogger Dave Wasil said...

My mom still attends Blessed Sacrament and I planned on attending Sunday's Mass with her anyway. I'll see you there. I haven't heard too many altar boy stories, but from a more serious perspective being an altar server had a profound affect on me. Holy Week services were special. I will always remember practicing for services with Sr. Laurentine and Kevin Zajdel. They were really quite a production and Fr Lou was such a good man.

April 24, 2008 at 8:35 PM  
Blogger mark schwinn said...

I have more alter boy stories than "Carter has Pills". I was an alter boy from the earliest age they would allow till I got out of BS. I was actually Head Alter Boy for a couple of years. I actually ran into Father Lou several years ago. I was i my early fortys maybe and he was a visiting priest at St Anthonys. I just so happen to be in Merrillvile and went to mass on that Sunday. He commented to me that he was proud that I was still attending mass. He was a good guy. I actully went to a seminary with some kind of intention of being a priest. Imagine that. Well, no girls allowed kind of thing came into play right away. EVER!!! Time to leave. And did.

May 9, 2008 at 11:21 AM  

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